"The head is omitted, talking and watching on the sides" - about the content of Alexei Navalny in IK-2 of the Vladimir region


Politician, the oppositionist and public figure Alexey Navalny went to serve the sentence in Pokrov, in IR No. 2. Earlier there was a segment of my life another famous politician, the organizer of the Russian march procession and the public figure Dmitry Demushkin. According to Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he was accused of exciting hatred or hostility, as well as humiliation of human dignity. Demushkin spent 1 year and 8 months in the Pokrovsk colony. He told the whole truth about the life of the progress in the institution for barbed wire. What conditions are Alexei Navalny waiting for bars? Read in an interview with our correspondent Evgeny Pavlova with a famous former prisoner.

- Dmitry, what are your relationship with Alexey Navalny?

- Ordinary working relationships - were not friends. We are familiar since 2005, but after going to freedom, I did not contact him.

- How else does the arrestants in IR number 2 live?

- Terms of heavy. This is one of the most stringent regime colonies of special correction, where convicts are visited. Similar to Karelia, Omsk and Krasnoyarsk are four places where it is impossible to enter.

- What do you break: character, psyche?

- Including. In the "zone" people do not raise, but they train. First, people face a tough acceptance, then they are sent to quarantine, then transferred to the reinforced control sector, and then in the camp.

- On the territory of the institution there is: Temple, library, gym. There can all come there?

- You know, what is there, Alexey Navalny does not concern at all. It will be on the strengthened control sector, where there is no free time.

- What are busy prisoners in the strengthened control sector, that they have no free time?

- You are feeling in stationary postures: the head is lowered down, the hands are only behind the back, it is impossible to rock, look around the sides too. Or sit: Hands on the knees, the head is as lowered, it is forbidden to talk. Such prisoners go only in dining rooms and on checks. Every two hours during the daytime, Alexey Navalny will give a report on his behavior in the institution, and at night an employee with a flashlight will come to him and check every hour. Alexey will have to learn how to sleep with urabs.

- There is no rest at all? Is a person in round-the-clock voltage?

In the morning, the news view on two federal channels is allowed. You can write letters for 15 minutes a week. I needed three weeks to write a letter. The first time they were not sent anywhere, everyone was thrown away.

- How long have you been in this mode?

- on the strengthened control sector of 8 months. In total, I promised 1 year and 7 months.

- How do you feed the prisoners?

- Kitchen there is normal. In the morning, always porridge, for lunch Balant or soup, for dinner Shens, the bump is sometimes even buckwheat. People who sat with me, and passed through different colonies, noted that food in the Pokrovskaya colony is very good. Everything is clean and washed.

- What is the number of prisoners in the chamber?

- There are no chambers, but barracks. They live from 60 to 120 convicts.

- What are you doing on freedom?

- For some time he headed the rural population, now I work on the radio, I lead public and political activities.

Author: Evgeny Pavlov

All about the staging of Navalny to Vladimir region read here.

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