HR group Ancor bought a platform for hiring IT specialists in the subscription "Selection"


Sber, Yandex, VTB, MTS, and others enjoy the services of the service.

The transaction was reported by VC.RU in Ancor, the amount was not disclosed, but Forbes, with reference to the source, writes that it was $ 5 million. "Selection" will remain autonomous within the Ancor, and the service team will continue to work.

"Selection" in 2019 launched the co-founder of the HR startup Potok Kirill Nikolaev, along with Barbarois Golubeva and Alexey Kirsanov. The service analyzes IT profiles on LinkedIn, Stack Overflow and other platforms, recognizes them and displays upon request of users. It helps recruits faster finding the right specialists, they speak the company.

The platform works on subscription: 50 thousand rubles for three months or 120 thousand per year. Now there are more than 756 thousand IT professionals on the site, the site is stated.

"Selection" - a product successful in the market, which the Ancor team already uses, "the company said. For two years, the service has more than 100 corporate clients, including banks, IT and product companies and recruiting agencies, speak Ancor. On the site among customers are "Sber", Yandex, VTB, MTS and others.

HR group Ancor bought a platform for hiring IT specialists in the subscription

The service team plans to develop algorithms that will enable a unique search results for each specific company: for this, the "selection" will analyze the characteristics of the already hired employees, speak Ancor. The company can also enter new markets and run adjacent products.

According to the base "Kondur.Fokus", the "Selection of candidates" LLC fully belongs to the founders: 50% of Kirill Nikolev, 25% from the general director of Barbara Golubeva and 25% from Alexey Kirsanova. According to the end of 2019, the company's revenue amounted to 3.7 million rubles, and net loss - 846 thousand rubles. Ancor say that the "Selection" revenue for 2020 amounted to 16 million rubles.

Ancor was founded in 1990 and offers customers in the field of outsourcing, recruitment and consulting in nine countries: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Thailand, Estonia. According to his own data, the annual turnover of the group of companies in 2020 amounted to 21.4 billion rubles.

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