Adobe Flash - all. How to remove it and what will happen now


The IT sector develops so rapidly that many trite do not have time to respond to changes that have undergone long acquaintances and familiar devices. Today it is quite difficult to meet the physical control keys in the smartphones, the disc slot in the computer and even more so the wheels themselves. But if they seemed to be replaced at first overnight, and then cloud storage faces, then with Flash technology from Adobe, everything happened much more slowly. This technology has been in a row for many years in a row, until finally, in 2021, did not finally read.

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Flash will no longer be played on your computer. Adobe stopped supporting this technology

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From January 1, 2021, Adobe officially stopped supporting Flash. In fact, this was announced back in 2017, but to avoid any ADOBE problems announced that it would support the work of technology for a long time. It is obvious that the branches were not required so much time to go to new rails, especially since HTML5 was almost the only rendering technology on the Internet. But the word is a word, and if it was given, it means that it was necessary to execute it.

What will happen without Flash

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Content on Flash on the Internet almost never left, so it can be safely removed

The termination of Flash support will not affect either professionals, nor the more on ordinary users, since no modern site uses this technology. Web resource owners began to refuse Flash by mid-2010, choosing HTML5 due to its ease. Thanks to this, all graphic elements forming the portal interface began to load faster, spending less Internet traffic and spending less time, not to mention the fact that they trite began to appear above in the search results of Google.

Few know that in fact Flash is not its own development of Adobe. She bought this technology from Macromedia in 2005. By that time Flash was already 10 years old (and now she is at all 25), and she could be considered a full base for all multimedia web portals.

Despite the fact that Flash support has already stopped, the content on Flash will be reproduced until January 12, 2021 inclusive. After that, Adobe advises users to delete the program from their computers if this has not been done before. It is recommended to do for security purposes. If you are too lazy to produce all manipulations to remove manually, you can wait for a system notification with a proposal to erase the program. But, if not, you can do everything here and now.

How to remove Flash with Mac

The easiest way is to remove Flash with Mac using a regular Uninstaller utility:

  • Scroll through this link and download the Uninstaller utility;
  • Open the downloads section and run the utility;
Adobe Flash - all. How to remove it and what will happen now 19577_3
If you can not find on your computer Flash, remove it through the annestaller
  • Confirm the launch of the password input if required;
  • In the window that opens, click "Delete" and delete Flash from your computer.

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After you delete Flash from your computer, you will no longer be able to run sites built on Flash. But, as mentioned above, this is not a big loss, because already on January 12, the entire content on the basis of this technology will be blocked. That is, you will not lose anything, because all responsible site owners have already transferred them to HTML5. You, removing Flash, just save your computer from the dead cargo, which technology called another Steve Jobs in distant zero years.

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