Saved from professional clubs RK T16 billion promised to send to mass sports


Saved from professional clubs RK T16 billion promised to send to mass sports

Saved from professional clubs RK T16 billion promised to send to mass sports

Astana. the 5th of March. KazTAG - T16 billion saved from professional clubs, they promised to send to mass sports, the agency correspondent reports.

"This year, to support mass sports, including children's sections, it is planned to send additional T16 billion, saved as a result of reducing professional clubs," said Prime Minister Askar Mom, responding to the request of Mazhilis deputies regarding the development of children's sports in Kazakhstan .

He assured that at this particular sports sections covered about 1.4 million children or 40% of the total number of school children (3.5 million), more than 422 thousand children are engaged in extracurchases.

"As part of the development of mass sports, considerable attention is paid to the development of sports infrastructure, including in rural areas. So, until 2023 it is planned to provide about 159 rural schools with gym. Also, the Ministry of Education and Science has established work to improve the qualifications of physical education teachers. In 2020, 447 pedagogues of physical education were advanced training courses, in 2021, more than 2 thousand teachers will be retracted, "the head of the Cabinet of Ministers said.

Along with this, he added, "From January 2021, the surcharge of physical culture teachers in the amount of 100% of the basic job salary for conducting extracurricular sports activities was introduced.

"The surcharge is called upon to motivate physical education teachers to open more sections in educational organizations. Positive impact on the health and education of children will have occupations on national sports. Currently, the Ministry of Culture and Sports and ME is developed by the methodology for compulsory classes in Kazakhstan, "TғғғұMalak", "Assa Atu" for their subsequent inclusion in the school curriculum on physical education, "the prime minister informed.

Along with this, he added, "To ensure the availability of sports from May 1, a state sports order is introduced, which involves the introduction of per capita financing of children's sports sections."

"A new approach will solve the problem of the shortage of sports sections and improve the quality of the services provided by attracting the private sector. The state sports order will apply to all children from 4 to 17 years, including children with special needs. The state will take on most expenses (with the exception of logistics and equipment) associated with visiting sports sections. The parents have the right to choose the service provider and assess its activities. Expenditures will be paid in accordance with the established tariff, taking into account the place of residence of the child (city / village), the sport, the method of providing services (individual or group classes) and a number of other factors, "the head of government assured.

The functions of the state sports order operator, according to him, are assigned to local executive bodies.

"Akimats will place the state sports order and organize work on the selection of suppliers, the formation of the order, payment of services and control over the targeted use of funds. To reduce the corruption risks of relationship between the state, suppliers and parents will be built in electronic format. Electronic tables attendance, reporting meetings and competitions, parental control, field checks. All service providers will undergo qualifying selection. One of the main selection criteria will be the presence of a professional sports instructor (pedagogical education, portfolio, the ability to provide first medical care, no criminal record). Financing will be carried out from the local budget, "the prime minister clarified.

He assured that "today the necessary regulatory legal acts and tariff rates of the state sports order are developed, and the integration of information systems of state bodies."

"Currently, these projects of regulatory legal acts are posted on the official resource of the ISS and in the section" Open NPA "web portal" Electronic Government "for public discussion. After the preparatory work is completed, the State Sports Order is planned in pilot mode to test in three regions (the city of Almaty, West Kazakhstan and Karaganda region). The process of implementing the state sports order is on the control of the government, "Mine assured.

Recall, on September 1, 2020, President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, referring to the message to the people of Kazakhstan, said that he did not see sense to contain professional sports teams completely for the state account. In his opinion, priority can be given mass sports, physical education and children, and in each area, sports sections should be opened in major district centers.

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