Cake "White" with nuts

Cake White with nuts


  • Recipe for form 20 cm
  • Corgents:
  • 100 gr. Cold butter
  • 420 gr. flour
  • 10 gr. Basin
  • 250 gr. Cold sour cream
  • 120 gr. Sugar powder
  • 0.5 ppm soda
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice (to repay soda)
  • 15 gr. cocoa
  • cream:
  • 700-1000 gr. sour cream (I had 700 grams. But if there is more, it will be tastier)
  • Sugar powder (I had 120 gr.)
  • 200 gr. roasted walnuts (dry them on a dry frying pan)

Cooking method:

Walnuts need to fry on a dry frying pan and grind with a blender, nozzle knives.

It is not very finely grinding, tastier when pieces of nuts come across in the cake.

For the test: a very cold butter is added to the flour, foaming it in flour and rub on a large grater.

And then rub your hands in the crumb.

Add a baking powder, soda, sugar powder and cold sour cream and knead the dough.

Dough dough on 2 parts and add cocoa to one of them and interfere with it in the dough.

I knead the dough with the help of a kitchen combine, a nozzle knives, so it turns out very quickly and without unnecessary trouble.

Two types of dough put in a bag and send to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

Through this time, we get the dough from the refrigerator and every piece of dough divide into 3 parts.

It should be 3 embedded from the light test and 3 embedded chocolate test.

Now immediately straight on parchment (you need to fly a little flour) start to roll the dough.

Each piece roll over and then cut out the smooth circle of 20 cm in diameter.

The workpiece must be broken with a fork, i.e. Make a lot of punctures to do not swear the dough.

We bake in the oven preheated to 180 g. Until ready, in my oven, the crude was baked 12 minutes, you look at your oven.

And so bake all the cakes.

For the cream we take sour cream, the more cream will be, what will be tastier, take about 1000 gr)

In the sour cream, add sugarpaste to taste, I had 120 g and all whipped about 43-4 minutes, to a homogeneous, lush consistency.

Collect the cake.

Corghas need to be used in turn: chocolate-white chocolate, etc

We put the cake on dishes, lay out cream, grow up.

Top on the cream generously sprinkled with nuts and from above again the korzh of another color, etc

White Korzh-Cream-Nuts Chocolate Corgers Cream-Nuts, etc.

Cake with completely cream and sprinkle with it with nuts and crumbs (made of crumbs from cropping, punching them with a blender, nozzle knives)

The finished cake is put in the refrigerator for impregnation, the clock is 6-8. I have a cake worth the night.

It turns out a saturated nut cake with impregnated korzhi - a very tasty cake)

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