Evening Novostroy.ru: housing prices will go down in a couple of months, each fifth apartment in Moscow is sold in Promzone, cheap "Khrushchevki" no longer cheap


The program of the preferential mortgage will cease to act in the middle of the year. The expert told whether to hurry with the purchase of housing. No less interesting news - 24% of the initial proposal of Moscow is in the former industrialists. Read about it and other news in the digest of March 3.

When to take? According to analysts, the demand for housing at the beginning of the 2021th asked noticeably, in Moscow there is a deficit of liquid lots. Experts told whether to hurry and buy the selected accommodation in the near future or better wait and buy an apartment closer to the completion of the preferential mortgage.

"Starting from July 1, a preferential mortgage in a number of regions (unambiguously in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region) will complete its action, and taking into account the trend (and statements) of the Central Bank, the growth of the key rate should be expected, which will go up and" Normal "(" non-class ") mortgage. But on the other side of the scales - the stagnation of income of the population, which simply will not allow to preserve demand at the level of "preferential" mortgage. And when demand falls, prices are falling and falling (with other things). But no serious decline in prices should be expected. As the story shows, something more than just a decrease in demand should occur for falling prices. Therefore, to postpone the purchase on the second half of the year if you expect to purchase an apartment in a mortgage, I would not recommend, "said Denis Bobkov, General Director of the Analytical and Consulting Company" Real Estate Profi ".

Life in the industrialist. The 24% of the initial proposal of the capital is concentrated in the territories of the former Commons, declare EST-A-TET. These are 500 thousand square meters of housing in 45 projects. The most actively mastered by developers of the industrial complex "Lublino", "Greivonovo", "Zilart", "Sickle and Molot", "Kaloshino", "Bratsevo", "Degunino Likhobor". The cost of apartments in new buildings located in the territories of the former Commons of Moscow varies from 5 million to 18.9 million rubles. About 59% of the primary proposal relates to comfort class, 41% - to the business class.

"Panels" and "Khrushchev". In two months of 2021, apartments in the secondary market of Moscow went up by only 1.1%, up to 211.3 thousand rubles per square meter, reported in the analytical center IRN.ru. According to experts, the economy-housing index increased by 1.8%, that is, 20% of the most affordable lots of Raced significantly faster than the market on average. The prices of housing in brick five-story buildings and apartments sold in the "old" Moscow regions grew faster.

Where are the promised migrants? 20 thousand workers migrants still lack at the construction sites of Moscow, including 8 thousand finishers for the implementation of the Renovation Program, said today the head of the metropolitan department for the construction of Rafik Zagontinov. At the same time, we note that the authorities have already introduced the measures that had to solve this problem: Minstroy began the import of workers at the request of developers, however, judging by all, this situation did not improve.

Budget housing in deficiency. At the end of February, 11.2 thousand lots in the new buildings of the comfort class are sold in the old borders of Moscow, analysts of the Real Estate Agency "Bon Ton" say. During the year the volume of proposals decreased by 32%. Today, 64% of sold apartments are located in three districts: Yuvao, CJSC and SWAO. 41% of lots - at the final stage of readiness. As experts say, the activity of developers is now high, from February to the market, it took two times more projects than in January. For the month, the market was replenished with 13 corps in already existing complexes and two new LCD. The shortage of low-cost lots is due to high demand for housing at the end of 2020.

Evening Novostroy.ru: housing prices will go down in a couple of months, each fifth apartment in Moscow is sold in Promzone, cheap
24% of the initial proposal of the capital is concentrated in the territories of the former Promon

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