Head of the Vladimir registry office Yana Mitrichina told about life and work

Head of the Vladimir registry office Yana Mitrichina told about life and work 1953_1
Photo by the author

On the eve of March 8, we met and talked with the new head of the registry office of Jan Mitrichina. She shared the first impressions of his position and told about their hobbies. The head of the registry office loves yoga, stylish clothes and travel. It's time to introduce our readers with her. We present the first interview with Yana Mitrichina - especially for our publication.

- Yana, passed a month, as you were appointed to the post of head register. You can sum up the first results. What did you think of it?

"When I went to this position, I knew that I was waiting for a large amount of work, and I understood what a huge responsibility lay on my shoulders. Difficulties do not scare me at all. On the contrary, I really want to thoroughly explore the entire sphere of our activity. I am confident in your abilities. Now we begin a lot from scratch, because on February 1, the registry office received the status of a legal entity. A lot of time is a time to prepare and design organizational and legal regulatory documents and the provision of a state service for registration of acts of civil status. ".

- I know that you have three higher education. Tell us about your career.

- "I am an economist, a psychologist and a lawyer. Legal posts worked for 10 years. He began his career in the insurance company, then worked in large resource-supplying organizations and 5 years in MUE. For the last 2 years, only leadership positions occupied. "

- Yana, everyone knows that you previously led the weather forecast on one of the regional TV channels. There you worked for about 20 years. How did you combine legal work with creativity?

- "Television in my life is just a hobby. Another 4-year student I have passed the sample to the position of the leading program "Weather forecast". So the stars were formed that this passion was tightened for 20 years. I devoted to television. The work in the frame was easy, and there were no difficulties. I want to note that it was not connected with my main job. "

- How did you become the head of the registry office?

"There was a proposal, and I agreed."

- Are you a strict boss?

- "No, not strict, but demanding. We work for citizens. It is very important that they receive quality services. "

- The Palace of Waisturies looks absolutely not presentable. Planning to make repairs?

- "Certainly, we strive for the better. There is a lot of tasks before us. Wait for all your time. Every problem will decide gradually. "

- Do you work in the registry office, and married yourself?

- "I do not like to speak about your personal life. Happiness loves silence. "

- How do we relax after the service?

- "You know, even all your free time I give to work to such an extent that reading the book, watching the film, a walk with dogs - for me happiness. It all depends on the emotional attitude. Sometimes even cooking for me rest.

- Are you an emotional person?

- "I am Aries, which means there is a fire of fire. Rich in positive emotions, but I try to avoid negative. " (Smiles)

- I know you like to travel. Where and how often?

- "How much you know! (Laughs) Now the pandemic, so traveling around Russia. This year I managed to visit Murmansk. In the summer I love river cruises. "

- You are in excellent physical form, tastefully dressed. What kind of sports do?

- "I do yoga! I have a personal program, and I train at home myself. I still love the step - aerobics. And in clothes I prefer classic style, but I love to add stylish, modern raisins. "

- Ahead of three days off. How to spend holidays?

- "I will be at home with my family. In the circle of relatives and loved ones. Be sure to meet with friends who have not seen for a long time. "

- Yana, will you cook a festive lunch itself, or go to a restaurant?

- "You know, I planned both options! (Laughs).

- I feel that we will spend the weekend is not boring. Do you like to cook? What is your corona dish?

- "I love very much! I will be preparing, be sure. Already started making a menu. For lunch, the roast beyf planned. I will say without false modesty, it turns out to be enjoyable. But for the dessert of the Tiramisu. My relatives love him very much! "

- Spring holiday is not thought without flowers. What do you love?

- "I am generally the person in itself, I have a birthday on April 8! I love tulips, and I love Iris (laughs). "

- I congratulate you on the upcoming day March 8! I wish you great success in your new job!

- "Thank you so much! I am very pleased! Taking this opportunity, I congratulate all women on International Women's Day. I want to wish the speedy offensive of spring, solar mood. Let the life of each lady be filled with harmony. Dear women, please the world around the world with their beauty, warmth and kindness. Health, happiness and well-being! "

Author: Evgeny Pavlov

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