101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers

101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_1
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_2
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_3
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_4
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_5
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_6
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_7
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_8
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_9
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_10
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_11
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_12
101 rose and jewelry - for her, socks and good shampoo - for him. Minsk residents told that they want for the day of all lovers 19526_13

Earlier Valentine's Day saved Valentine and Mail of lovers, now - stickers in messengers and stocks in the cosmetics department. We once again touched upon the topic of gifts, but this time we do not offer, and with 360.By we are interested. On the eve of the holiday, Onliner went to the streets of Minsk and asked the Belarusians that they would like to receive as a gift. Maybe it is the most - banalcin?

Kostya and Dasha: "Happiness and 101 rose"

The guys have not thought about the gifts to each other. Celebrate will be in the company of friends.

- What will you give your beloved?

"Flowers," Konstantin chooses a win-win version and tells how to please guys: "Men are waiting attention." And a gift ... I do not know, I want happiness.

Such a smiling guy - and lacks happiness? It is worth asking Daria, as it happened, she has completely different preferences.

- You need to discuss gifts. Waiting for some surprise is a dubious idea, hardly anyone is able to guess. What I asked, Kostya did.

- What is this?

- Bouquet of flowers, - Dasha answers.

- 101 rose, - adds Konstantin.

Igor and Ksyusha: "The gift is needed from the soul. Well, cafe where without this "

A couple more couples pass, but they say that their holiday is a day of family and loyalty, and Valentines day - for young. Igor and Ksyusha - still students, and on February 14, they want to celebrate in a cafe.

- The main thing in the gift for him to be from the soul, something good. I do not want to talk, but I will tell him - it will not be interesting, "Ksyusha laughs, looking at his boyfriend. And the one, as a true gentleman, is responsible that he does not need anything.

- The main thing is that the person is near, and so I don't need anything, seriously.

Alexey: "From girls you want less career and more family"

In general, men are rarely waiting for something material, and if they want something concrete, and will give themselves. Only one wanted Ferrari - probably, without even thinking about how much that "eats" and where he will take parts. Aleksey passes by passing - this guy knows exactly what he wants for a holiday.

- Children! Or at least start this process. Our girls today are very purposeful steel, and happiness is next.

- To the 14th you can not have time to fulfill your desire, but what is in return?

- Love. Requests for gifts arrive and without a holiday, so I try to throw fur coats, flowers, cars, vouchers in the standard rhythm.

Christina: "Wine is always welcome"

If February 14 is a day off - this is a gift, Christina considers.

- lucky those who are not working on this day and can wake up without alarm clock, drink a cup of coffee and just take a walk in the city, even in such frosts.

- What gifts would be able to drown out pain from work on a holiday?

- Certificate for massage, some warm sweater. And the bottle of wine is always welcomed.

Communard Vladimir: "Socks - a normal gift!"

We approach the workers who took the time out in a duel with snow. Men are strong and experienced in love affairs, truth, modest. From the team volunteered Vladimir.

- What are you waiting for the spouse?

- Oh, she gives a lot of things.

- type of screwdriver set?

- Not-e-e, I do not need screwdriver. Maybe socks ... - The man is thinking. - And what, they are 3-5 rubles, what is bad?

He looks at his colleagues, those silently support him, and Vladimir concludes: "Normal gift!"

- And what will I give my wife?

- Dollars - only them, and she will then buy something right after.

Catherine: "All that glitters"

A young fragile girl is not that wants, but even knows what to give her: Jewelry.

- We spoke in advance. And I will make a sweet table with my favorite, I will do sweets myself. In general, I do not see the point in these holidays. On any weekday, no one forbids making a small present.

Natalia: "Family would collect"

The woman lived in marriage for 30 years, but after the pearl wedding, the trouble came to the family: her husband did not. However, love still lives in the heart of Natalia.

- My husband has a military man, died two years after work in Chernobyl. Men did not look on, and one well lives. Now I live with my husband's granddaughter. She flew to the Canary Islands, and I left him - we will celebrate with him, "the woman laughs. - I will give him anything to care for the beard. Our family is big, it would be necessary to get together, but a pandemic.

Another couple decided to tell how Valentine will celebrate the day (in no way).

- This holiday is not perceived by us, our old age, - they laugh.

"Ask 20-year-olds, they are closer to the topic," concludes a guy, but the girl suggests that you can give.

- Flowers are always nice, honestly, even if you are told that this is thrown money, give. You will not be wrong if you give a certificate for a massage or a spa salon, preferably for a whole day, and then we are silent to buy them yourself, - young and go away.

Katya: "Ticket for a concert"

Katya walks with her friend and fade for two, as the girlfriend is still looking for a "prince".

- I asked the Monatik concert ticket. But I would not say that we just celebrate this day, we will sit at home. And I will give my husband to buy a clothing purchase certificate.

Igor: "There would be enough good shampoo"

Igor hurries to the shopping center and is definitely confident that the holiday should go beautiful and remember.

- It is necessary to go to the cafe. Girl give a beautiful bouquet and something from cosmetics.

- What do you want to get this holiday?

"I need to think ... I would have enough good shampoo," Igor laughs.

Alina: "Something cool"

Alina, on the contrary, does not consider February 14 a significant day and is more waiting for March 8.

- You need to give something cool and non-standard!

- When they say so, it becomes more incomprehensible. Is it "something cool" is called?

- Maybe some bracelet.

- And what do you give your boyfriend?

- Lavova lamp.

What do you want on February 14? Write in the comments!

Day of all lovers, February 23, March 8. Holidays are different, but the head you break the same. What to gift?

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. Prepared with the support of LLC "Reut Exipyns", UNEP 690669725.

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