How to save more than one hundred thousand rubles by refusing unnecessary products

How to save more than one hundred thousand rubles by refusing unnecessary products 19508_1

Today I will not ship you with complex financial themes, and I will tell you a lot of history. Despite the fact that it will only be a story of life, nevertheless, it bears obvious benefit: Applying everything outlined in practice, you will gain the opportunity to save more than one hundred thousand rubles per month.

Since childhood I was a very practical person. I preferred to eat canned food instead of genuine. I liked that I could open the jar at any time and eat ready-made food. Special delicacy for me was the noodles of quick cooking, which I diligently brewed and ate at least twice a day.

Who can think that taking food 6 times a day I actually hungry.

Then I began to buy more and more food to get enough. I did not consider money because I saw that natural food was more expensive, and she also need to be able to prepare. How I was wrong.

Once I went on vacation in Sochi and there continued to brew the noodles and consume other suckons. But, as I got into the tropical climate, I decided to diversify my kitchen. I bought a large pineapple at the local market and ate it. Since then, I realized that I will no longer eat canned food.

I tal a lot to think how to optimize my diet and came to the following conclusions.

1. Buy products need directly from the manufacturer

Network stores strongly broke out with warm rooms, pleasant music, discounts and assortment. But you need to remember that the most delicious products are sold from private traders and farmers.

2. Food should not save

It turns out that if you prepare a saucepan of borscht, then it can be eaten for a whole week. Moreover, this borsch is very nutritious. One bedroom is enough to dinner to satisfy half the day.

I can also say about meat with cutlets. A piece of meat is enough to saturate hours by 5-6, and you don't eat canned food, but hunger does not leave.

3. Healthy food helps to save well

I counted how many Callorians per unit of money I consume and it came out that healthy food costs cheaper at a hundred thousand rubles annually. This is a very significant savings. If you live a family, but constantly eat canned food, then your savings will grow multiple.

Thank you for making my article to the end. Now you know how to save more than one hundred thousand rubles a year simply by changing your diet.

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