Announced the amount that Russia spent on the creation of "Poseidon", "Avangard" and other new combat complexes

Announced the amount that Russia spent on the creation of
Announced the amount that Russia spent on the creation of "Poseidon", "Avangard" and other new combat complexes

It became known how much Russia spent on the development of new combat complexes, such as Poseidon, Avangard and Peresvet. According to the Special Representative of the Presidential Presidential Activities of Sergey Ivanov, for ten years the country has spent 10-20 billion rubles per year on them. With the current military budget, these costs can be considered "almost inconspicuous."

We will remind, the newest Russian arms samples were presented in 2018, during the message of President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly.

In particular, for the first time, the Aviation Rocket Complex of the 9-A-7660 "Dagger", known as the X-47M2 "Dagger", was shown, and appearing in a number of media as a "hypersonic". We are talking about an aerobalistic rocket, which has a range of about 2,000 kilometers and a combat part of a mass of about 500 kilograms. The carrier is an upgraded MiG-31 fighter, which received the MiG-31K designation made in the design structure.

Announced the amount that Russia spent on the creation of
MiG-31 carries x-47m2 "Dagger" / © Wikipedia

Among other new arms samples are a powerful laser complex "Peresvet" and the "Avangard" missile complex, which has a hypersonic controlled combat unit, which launches an intercontinental ballistic missile of UR-100N UTTC.

The most ambiguous experts are considered an unmanned submarine apparatus "Poseidon", equipped with nuclear power plants. It is assumed that in the case of a "big war" he will be able to deliver a nuclear ammunition to the shores of the likely enemy.

Announced the amount that Russia spent on the creation of
"Poseidon" / © Ministry of Defense of Russia

Critics are subject to relatively low speed (against the background of combat equipment of intercontinental ballistic missiles), as well as vulnerability.

Especially for "Poseidon" had to create new projects of submarine. The first of them was the submarine K-329 "Belgorod", descended into water in 2019. Now in Russia build the second submarine - the Poseidon Torpeda carrier: it is assumed that it will be significantly less "Belgorod". The descent of a new submarine is expected this year. Detailed features of submarines are kept secret.

Source: Naked Science

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