Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself

Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_1

Dris Wang Nothsen is one of the favorites of the legendary "Antwerp Six" at the fashionable world scene - for the first time showed his collection in 1986 and immediately entered the story. After creating his own brand, he managed to bring him to self-financing and became one of the outstanding designers of modernity. Already, no one decade, he has been eloquently prove - there is a fashion in Belgium, and there will be, demonstrating interesting and conceptual solutions that are always at the peak of Fashion.

Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_2

Interestingly, Dris Wang Nothan always preferred traditional shows when the models defill on the podium and demonstrate the next seasonal collection. But in a new reality, new solutions are needed. And the designer proved: they have them. Imagine a person who has always refused lucbuks, did not let the fashion video, suddenly took and made a crazy performance on the dynamics and so presented a collection of autumn-winter 2021/22!

The idea to show clothing in motion is just perfect - how the fabric is moving, how drapes how much it plastic ... All this is very interesting and useful for those who choose these images for themselves. At the same time, it is important that Dris Wang Notgen did not try to "disguise" a digital presentation under the traditional show that it would be possible to expect from him, because in this regard he "Strover." No, he demonstrated a real breakthrough - something new not only for himself, but also for the industry. The designer explains - the idea is not that the models are dancing, but in the fact that they are moving to the music in the brand clothes!

Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_3
Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_4

Free dance-inspiration turned out to be very "brittle", Dergan, rapid, like the collection 2021/22 itself. The spectacular combination of incompatible - all these leveled female and men's forms, suits Oversiz, flying dresses, coats and jackets in achromatic shades, decorated with bright outbreaks (not only colors, but also fur, sequins, vibrating fringe, prints with rose buds) - was imprinted Forces Casper Sejersen Studio.

Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_5
Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_6
Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_7
Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_8
Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_9

Performance unfolds under the Angel Massive Attack composition, choreography put the talented Dris's tribesman - Belgian Vim Vandekeibus, the former Premier Royal Ballet of Flanders, which in 2017 showed "Mokutari to the modern Savior" in St. Petersburg. This event has long discussed fans of dance art - and here's a new masterpiece. Interestingly, along with models, the fall-winter 2021/22 collection is demonstrated by Anna Teresa de Keersmaker, an outstanding Belgian dancer and choreographer, a CONTEMPORARY DANCE Guru, which never ceases to repeat that "there is nothing modern body." In general, Dris Wang Notgen once again demonstrated to the world, which is an expressive creative search. This time - in dance!

Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_10
Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_11
Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_12
Performance instead of display: Dris Wang Nothgen brilliantly changed himself 19481_13

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