What attracts mature femininity?

What attracts mature femininity? 19474_1
What attracts mature femininity? Photo: Depositphotos.

Mature femininity of sex with the creators of the word. It resembles a thick, fragrant wine, an expensive decoration, a charming melody, rushing from the windows of a high terme, a hot summer or the beginning of autumn, when nature will be all their latal paint palette. Mature femininity comes mainly after 30 years - and the remaining life stretches. However, such a type of attractiveness is not inherent in all.

Remember how often you met 40-50-year-olds, still angry as teenagers, women. Or coarse ... such that I wanted to go to the opposite sidewalk or shut down your ears.

Mature femininity achieve harmonious personality. And she has its own energy - the inner strength, the smearing magnificence of forms and meanings. In a mature woman, it is easy to fall in love - she can arrange to himself, with her easily and comfortable, its world is full to the edge, its capabilities are almost endless.

What are the brightest features inherent in a mature woman?

She is free and relaxed. She is interested and pleasant to live. It is read in the view, in a relaxed pose, in honed gestures.

She proves anything to anyone. Not afraid. I know how to stand up for yourself.

She confidently declares himself a world - believes that she should hear her. So happens.

Able to take compliments. They allow you to get rid of tension and make communication more pleasant.

It remains calm in a difficult situation. It understands that fuss, throwing and hysteria will only worsen the situation.

What attracts mature femininity? 19474_2
Hans Golbaine Senior, "Portrait of a 34-year-old woman", 1516 Photo: artchive.ru

Dress up with taste. He knows that not clothes paints a man, but it affects his self-treatment.

It goes easily. After all, you know the self-satisfaction of a person easier for his gait. Consider what is it for you - slow, tired, painful? Or energetic and purposeful? Self-confident ladies go fast. They have where to go, with whom to see, and there is an important work that must be fulfilled. However, on a walk they can afford not to rush.

Holds posture. The way the person "carries itself," can tell a lot about him.

Thanks sincerely. Help takes with dignity.

What mature women are male attractive?

Regardless of social affiliation and age, representatives of heavy sex want to see in the lady:

  • Naturalness (chemistry, puppet lyrics with a stupid expression just infuriates!);
  • accuracy, cleanliness, well-groom;
  • High intelligence (to be a favorite smart, delicate, with a sense of humor a woman - a huge joy!);
  • self-esteem;
  • Uniqueness and mysteriousness throughout such a woman;
  • The smoothness of movements, the grace and the ability to benefit themselves to prevent themselves, without detraining the merits and without passing the thin line, behind which vulgarity begins.
What attracts mature femininity? 19474_3
Photo: Depositphotos.

At the heart of the formation of a mature femininity of only three components: care, disclosure and enrichment of the inner world, the rejection of stereotypes (both old-forgotten, dictated in the era of the Domostrous, and the contemporary "beauty factories").

First of all, it is all done only for yourself, and the close, admiring attention of the representatives of strong sex becomes a pleasant bonus.

Author - Oksana Arkadyevna Filatova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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