Support in spring - Vintage in the fall!

Support in spring - Vintage in the fall! 19465_1

Forecasts are not competing

Leaving from wintering, plants experience the strongest stress caused by the natural climatic factors to which the chemical trees are added to the additives. All this weakens the plant, makes them more susceptible to disease and, as a result, can lead to the death of surviving crops of winter crops. A negative chain reaction is launched: the percentage of morbidity is growing, the costs of the SZR increase, the cost increases, and the quality and amount of crop are reduced, since weakened plants lose productivity. Result One: The company carries colossal losses. That is why in recent years, agronomists of advanced agricultural enterprises pay attention to the timely removal of plants from stress, and this also applies to the winter, and to spring cultures, as well as many years of fruit landings, which also suffer from this problem, losing their productivity. In the context of spring season-2021, such events are more relevant.

Remove stress and protect against disease

How to minimize damage for 360-720 rubles / ha? The optimal solution is the inclusion of SCS.Technology plants in the protection and nutrition programs, allowing to maintain plants when leaving the wintering, minimizing the impact and consequences of stressful factors on the organism of the agricultural cage, as well as ensuring prevention and deterrence of diseases in aggregate with vegetation and yields.

Support in spring - Vintage in the fall! 19465_2

The key in an integrated approach is that the Agrokhimprom Group of Companies is guided by this, since 2014, which introduces SCS.Technology drugs to agriculture, produced on the basis of a patented technology for stabilizing colloidal silver, which are known to the agrarians due to its effective work in "multitasking mode". Today, the ruler includes 4 products: plant growth regulator with a fungicidal effect of the agro gearboard, a complex of microelements in chelated form with silver content of Silver Alpha, a complex of microelements in a chelated form with an increased silver content of Silver Silver 3000 ppm, fungicide and translaminar-action bactericide.

The unconditional plus of SCS.Technology preparations consists in their multifunctionality and the ability to effectively solve several tasks at once, saving the resources of the agrarians.

First of all, we are talking, of course, about working with diseases - from prevention and deterrence (Zemerochra Agro) to the total destruction of pathogens (mours, grains 3000 ppm) - and control the process of vegetation, and, in the final account, and the harvest received. In addition, all the ranges of the line are actively working on plant immunity, increasing resistance to stressful factors, including sharp change of temperature and consequences of chimrocessing (accelerated yield from the "herbicidal pit" and reducing the retardinal effect).

Plants become more resistant to disease, the yield increases and the quality of agricultural products. As a result, the economy will maximize the negative consequences caused by rigid weather conditions and the death of part of the crops, resulting in a profitable harvest.

Leonid Tugarines, head of the agrochemical accompaniment department of GK Agrokhimprom:

Support in spring - Vintage in the fall! 19465_3

- Focusing on the realities of this season, we strongly recommend that in the plant protection and nutrition programs, the growth regulator with a fungicidal effect of the Zemero agro, which is included in the innovative SCS.Technology line. First of all, it concerns winter cereals: surviving crops will be strongly weakened and their recovery can take longer time, additional losses are possible. Do not forget that the diseases exacerbate the situation even stronger, and, if you do not take action, then, according to the results of the season, agricultural enterprises will be able to incur significant losses.

The inclusion of the Zimerer Agro into the composition of winter chimrojects will now increase the immunity of plants, make them more resistant to the effect of stressful factors and activates the internal potential of the plant for its productive growth and development. In the future, the processing in the phase of the flag sheet is to a greater extent on the final qualitative result - high rates of grain crop.

All this, of course, belongs not only to winter grain. When sowing spring and technical crops, the treatment of seed material with the preparations of SCS.Technology before landing will allow you to mobilize their internal potential from the very sowing, will increase the germination and make crops more resistant to unfavorable environmental factors.

From kf to agroholding

The crops of agricultural enterprises of various categories are suffering from adverse environmental factors, including small CFCs and large agro-industrial holdings with an impressive land bank. However, today it is possible to say one thing: SCS.Technology preparations help each agrarium to solve many tasks that face them as efficiently as possible and beneficial in terms of business profitability.

From this point of view, many years have been the greatest relevance for Agrrays for many years. For some, it is a way to propagate diseases and control the yield, reducing the costs of fungicidal treatments. For others, the ability to achieve record crops and improve the quality of the products received. Thus, agronomists receive a reliable assistant to their "first aid kit" to work on a wide range of cultures. Including on grain, which are priority cultures for many regions of the country.

So in the group of companies "Rostagro" - one of the largest agro-industrial holdings of Russia, the drug of the Zemero Agro is applied on winter wheat. One of the indicative results was the introduction of the drug into the Program for the Program for the Protection of Ombreus Winter Wheat Grade "Skiptere" in the Kolyshley region of the Penza region last year. Processing was carried out in the vegetation in the stage of bunning. Celebra agro was used in a tank mixture with herbicide, fungicide and an insecticide at the rate of 0.2 l / ha. The control plot used the standard scheme of the enterprise. The result was the following - an increase in yield in one-time application of the Zemeror Agro amounted to 9.5 c / ha (67%) with a total yield in the control portion - 14.2 c / ha. In addition to an outstanding increase, the use of the drug made it possible to improve and high-quality grain indicators. According to the results of laboratory analysis of grain, the gluten content increased by 10.9% (19.3), protein by 5.7% (12.9). Also observed a decrease in grain humidity: 14.0 against 17.6 in the control area.

Dmitry Lipchan, a leading agrochemical counselor of GK "Agrokhimprom" in the PFO:

Support in spring - Vintage in the fall! 19465_4

- The greatest effectiveness is achieved at 3 times the processing of grain grain with a gearboard agro in a dosage of 0.1-0.15 l / ha, including the processing of a seed material (0.1-0.15 l / t). This allows you to protect crops, increase the immunity of plants and make them less susceptible to the effects of stressful factors, such as sharp change temperatures, chemical treatment, as well as processing helps to significantly improve yields.

Particularly relevant 3-fold repetition for those agricultural enterprises that do not have the possibility of large-scale use of fungicides. This is due to both its own fungicidal properties of the drug, its prolonged effect and the ability of the agro gearman to enhance the effect of fungicides in the tank mixture. If you pay attention to the scheme below, you can see the duration of the preparation after processing. In other words, applying a drug for processing seed material, you make crops more protected before the beginning of a geaving, thus, it is possible to restrain the development of diseases to the timely use of fungicides or the second treatment of the agro warmer, depending on the phytopathogenic background. A similar situation is observed in the trees on vegetation.

In Pachelm Economy LLC Kamensky district of the Penza region, which is part of the Rusmolko Agroholding, the Zemero Agro is applied on spring wheat: last year the drug was introduced into the Program for the protection of sowing on the Grande Grandfather. The treatment was carried out in the phase of the tank mixture at the rate of 0.2 l / ha. As a result, the yield gain was 6 c / ha (19%) in comparison with the control portion (31 c / ha), which used the standard scheme of the enterprise. Forecasts of this study were successfully successful - the quality of grain increased, recorded as a result of the laboratory study of Volgograd Elevator LLC: in a protein - by 15% (13.5 against 11.7 in control), in gluten - by 30% (25.6 vs. 20.4 on control). At the same time, the impressive costs for the drug amounted to only 360 rubles, and additional profits from the use of the agro gearboard - 10,820 rubles / ha.

Support in spring - Vintage in the fall! 19465_5


Kutyashov Roman Vladimirovich, Director of Leader LLC (Saratov region):

Carrenik Valery Mikhailovich, Chief Agronoma Agroofirma Red Sad (Rostov region):

Such examples can be given a set. Preparations of SCS.Technology, thanks to an attractive hectare value and a wide range of action are easy to be embedded in any technological scheme and are indispensable to maintain and stimulate crops, especially in such difficult conditions. And the specialists of the Agrocheimprom Group consider all the nuances and advise agricultural producers, accompanying them from sowing before harvesting, help to form an optimal protection program that takes into account all the factors affecting the result of its implementation.

We wish you rich yields!

Detailed information about the preparations and a list of official representatives of the company in the regions are available on sites: and

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