In 2020, almost 9 thousand pensioners of Priangarya received compensation for a ticket to the place of recreation and back


Irkutsk Region, 19.02.21 (IA Teleinform), - In 2020, almost 9 thousand Pensioners of Priangarya received compensation for a ticket to the place of recreation and back. The right to pay non-working pensioners living in the regions of the Far North or region equivalent to them. This is reported by the press service of the Irkutsk branch of the FIU.

In 2020, in the Irkutsk region, almost 9 thousand retirees received compensation for a total of more than 130 million rubles. The average compensation size was 14 thousand 782.41 rubles. The number of applicants declined in comparison with 2019 due to the limitations introduced in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. In 2019, almost 16 thousand retirees turned to compensation, they received payments in the amount of about 229 million rubles. At the same time, the average compensation size was 14 thousand 936.96 rubles.

Recall, compensation is paid once every two years. The biennium is calculated in the calendar order, starting from January 1 of the year, in which the FFR authority made compensation for expenses for traveling to the place of recreation and back.

Compensation in the form of compensation of actually made costs for traveling to the place of recreation and back is made in the amount not exceeding the fare:

railway transport - in a second-class carriage of a passenger train; inland water transport - in the cabin 3 categories of a river vessel of all lines of messages; maritime transport - in the cabin 4-5 groups of the maritime vessel of regular transport lines; air transport - in the economy class cabin; road transport - on the bus on the regular transportation routes of the long-distance message.

It is also worth noting that due to changes in legislation, if the place of recreation was outside the Russian Federation, compensation is made to the area of ​​the railway station, the airport, the sea (river) port, bus station, the airport, the marine (river) port, bus station, the airport. This requires the provision of additional documents - a copy of a foreign passport with a marking of the border body of the Federal Security Service on the place of intersection of the state border of the Russian Federation, and in the case of travel by air transportation of the international communication - a carrier's certificate about the cost of travel within the territory of the Russian Federation included in the cost of the travel ticket.

Compensation are not subject to charges for the provided additional services:

collection fee (commission fee); Service fee (bed linen); fees for order (delivery) ticket; for pre-booking places; And other additional services of high comfort.

You can apply for compensation for expenses to pay for the cost of travel in the Personal Account of Citizen on the Pension Fund website -, in the client services of the FIU and the MFC offices. The applicant has a travel document containing all the necessary details provided for by the traffic rules.

In 2020, almost 9 thousand pensioners of Priangarya received compensation for a ticket to the place of recreation and back 19464_1

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