6 stories proving that good in our world is much larger than the rest

6 stories proving that good in our world is much larger than the rest 19450_1

When I was a child, I always twistfully twist the fourth cars on the way to shops. A couple of times was lucky and several free toys caught me. Now, when I grew up and leaving the store, I love to throw a trifle in them if I have it, and leave them half twisted.

I am a "ambulance nurse" - with tattoos, muscles and a rude voice. Other nurses sometimes send after me to calm the children who cry a lot, because it is perfect for me. My friends in my rock band and guys, with whom I bouncing, know.

My almost 16-year-old boy thinks he saves on the car. In fact, he saved about 11,000 dollars.

He does not know that I will buy him a car, and he will be able to spend this money for anything else. Just smile

When I see that two girls pass, one of which is clearly more beautiful than the other, I look in the eyes less attractive and smile. I was not very attractive at school, not very sporty and not very popular. There was a company of popular girls and a couple of them always greet me, although they were not friends with me, congratulated on his birthday, invited to events. These little gestures can mean a whole world for people with low self-esteem. These small signs of attention of those girls inspired me to play sports, to communicate more, pay attention to the details and not be boring.

Snow people

When I was 17 years old, my friend and I decided to ride snowmobiles on a blizzard. Visibility was bad, so we kept the main roads.

We were on a deserted road with two houses and agricultural activists. Going closer to the houses, we noticed some lights and went to see what was happening. It turned out that the elderly couple living there decided to go to the store for food in case they would fall into the snow. They had a long trip, and everything went well (they managed to overcome several large snowdrifts height to the meter). Everything went wrong only when they slowed down to roll to the house. They did not dare to get out of the car, because they were afraid that they would bring them a blizzard. My girlfriend and I, drowning in the snow, but in full (helmets and masks) dug the car, combed the driveway and took care that the car was in the garage.

I thought it was the end of the story. I did not even say anything to my parents. And so, the next day this couple was in the church. Our church allows parishioners to stand up and tell about their beliefs / stories of the formation of faith. Of course, the old man gets up and begins to talk about last night when they went to the store. He talked about what was stuck and worried that he would never pull his car and would notice her with snow. Then he said that two people appeared from the snow, who almost did not talk, pulled his car and disappeared as quickly as profits. He said that he begged the Lord about help, but decided that she would never come, because no one would ever travel along this road. My mother looked at me and realized that it was me.

Legging husband's substitute

When the husband is not in the city, I give a dog to sleep on the bed. The husband does not want to let her go on the bed, so I always wash a duvet cover and put clean sheets a day when he returns home. Probably he thinks that I just want to make an impression on him a clean, nice smelling bed, but in fact ... I need to hide the evidence that I allowed my fluffy 36-kilogram PSU to hug up with me all night.

It is a pity that day is only once a year

Every year on my mom's birthday, when we spend a party, I give people money to buy two servings. One for them, one for my mom. I just ask them to approach and congratulate her happy birthday and give her a drink. It's nice to watch it says to everyone who is ready to listen to how many people knew that it was her birthday, and she got all these complimentary drinks. How she felt very special. It is worth the money, just to see how again they slaughtered her eyes.

And a small bobrobonus
6 stories proving that good in our world is much larger than the rest 19450_2
Good lives inside each of us, just need to remember

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