Do you know: why Dog's Dogs Breeds Chihuahua

Do you know: why Dog's Dogs Breeds Chihuahua 19438_1

In recent decades, the Chihuahua dog breed has become extremely popular with all pet lovers. And this is not surprising at all, because this breed is distinguished by infinite dedication, curiosity and courage. Therefore, all those who love the owners take care of their health, says

We prepared for you a list of reasons why you can determine why Chihuahua tremble. And if you understand that something goes beyond the boundaries of the norm, you can turn to the veterinarian in a timely manner.

For what reasons can chihuahua tremble?

Early age

Puppies of any breed are born with undeveloped senses. For example, immediately after the appearance of the light, they are blind and deaf, they can move only with a crawling and strolling, trying to get up on the paws. Even when the kids start walking, they often fall and stumble.

Often after two months of age, although this period can vary depending on the breed and the size of the dog, the trembling is observed less often until it disappears at all.

Do you know: why Dog's Dogs Breeds Chihuahua 19438_2

It should be borne in mind that puppies are not able to effectively regulate the temperature of their body until two months of age, so tremor can also be associated with these features of dog development. If your little chihuahua trembles, be sure to warm it, as it can be just cold.

If your puppy after two months old continues to periodically tremble, and especially if other disturbing symptoms are also observed, it is possible that the pet has certain problems of the neurological system, and only the veterinarian can find out the true cause of tremor.

Emotional tremor

Chihuahua belong to one of the most temperamental, active and emotional breeds of dogs. Often these features are manifested in the form of tremor due to the fact that they cannot give an output of the energy accumulated in their small body.

For example, when you leave for a whole day and a pet, all this time is alone and of course saddened, then by returning home the puppy meets you, tremble from impatience and inextentive joy that his favorite owner is back with him.

Do you know: why Dog's Dogs Breeds Chihuahua 19438_3

The same thing happens if your fluffy friend likes to walk. Every time he looks like you take it for a leash, a puppy trembles from excitement, or when you offer him a very tasty food, talking to him. This is normal, as it is associated with the peculiarities of its character and does not represent any problems for the health of the dog.

Typically, this shiver is accompanied by the fact that the pet runs around its master, happily barks and shaking with the whole body (as after bathing).

Temperature control of body

Another physiological reason (although it is better to prevent it), according to which Chihuahua can tremble, is the reaction of the pet organism to the cold. Thus, the animal is trying to regulate the temperature of his body. After all, small breeds of dogs are very quickly losing heat.

Chihuahua is distinguished by fast metabolism, which means that their temperature will always be higher than the pets of large breeds. However, due to its size, the surface area of ​​the body and a small amount of subcutaneous fat, they, as a rule, are quickly losing heat, so due to the trembling, they try to warm up.

Do you know: why Dog's Dogs Breeds Chihuahua 19438_4

In this regard, it is necessary to keep Chihuahua in places protected from low temperatures, and ensure that they do not spend too much time outdoors. Before going to walk, it is recommended to wear a jacket to avoid heat loss.

Make sure your dog does not spend a lot of time standing on cold surfaces, since the pads of her paws also cool down.

Fear of separation

Dogs are also experiencing stress, like people. And one of the potential reasons capable of provoke it is concern about separation from the owner.

If your pet is strongly tied to one or more family members, he is worrying when he loses them out of sight, up to the fact that he starts the loud barking, trembling, uncontrollably to protect his needs. Sometimes he can gnaw furniture and other items, look for a way out of the house to go in search of your master.

This high level of concern generates a large amount of energy that accumulates in the body and manifests itself as tremor and actions like those mentioned above.

Do you know: why Dog's Dogs Breeds Chihuahua 19438_5

Due to the high metabolic rate and small chihuahua, they often suffer from a reduced blood sugar level. It is mostly found in puppies, young dogs or pets who have not consumed food for a long time.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide your favorite full diet and make sure that it does not spend many hours in a row without food. Only veterinarian can confirm or disprove the presence of hypoglycemia after a dog survey. So do not lose time in vain and go to the doctor, because it is a rather serious problem.

Other reasons

Fear or panic. This involuntary movement can also occur in a dog in the face of danger, for example, at the sight of other dogs, when visiting a veterinarian or when it scolds.

Earache. Faced with any problem causing pain, chihuahua, as a rule, tremble. But especially frequent cause is the ear pain. In addition to Tremelor, you may notice that the pet shakes heads, as if trying to eliminate discomfort.

Do you know: why Dog's Dogs Breeds Chihuahua 19438_6

Poisoning. If your dog swallowed a toxic substance for its body, it may suffer from tremor, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps and other symptoms that are able to lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is very important that with minimal suspicion of poisoning, you immediately turned to the veterinarian.

Hydrocephalus. This disease is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the brain, which affects the work of the nervous system, which causes convulsions and tremor. But in general, any problem of a neurological nature is able to give such manifestations.

Fever. If your pet has a high temperature against the background of any infectious inflammatory disease, it can manifest itself with chill or shudder, frequent hypertermia satellites.

Heatstroke. When a pet suffers from a thermal impact, a convulsive or tremor can be observed among many symptoms, and even the loss of consciousness.

Shaking syndrome dogs. This disorder is caused by the inflammation of the cerebellum, and often occurs in dogs of light color. One of the manifestations of this disease is tremor.

In which cases it is necessary to refer to the veterinarian?

Do you know: why Dog's Dogs Breeds Chihuahua 19438_7

As follows from the above, Chihuahua has many reasons in order to tremble from time to time. But if you notice that the data of manifestations are found very often and the tremor is accompanied by other symptoms, the best option is to go to the veterinarian.

When to delay the visit to the doctor is impossible:

  • If your dog has a heat;
  • If, after two months of age, the pet continues to tremble hard;
  • If symptoms such as weakness, vomiting, diarrhea are observed;
  • If the dog moved the heat blow;
  • If you know for sure or suspect that the pet poisoned.

The owners of dogs are very important to be able to understand their favorite pets. Of course, it is impossible to teach them to talk, but to determine the needs of the animal in his behavior is quite real.

Photo: Pixabay.

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