Effective methods of getting rid of an annoyed bindweed in the garden plot


    Good afternoon, my reader. Many dackets do not know how to get rid of the bundle, which brings a lot of harm to cultural plants. Weed foliage creates a shadow for garden crops, he is wrapped around them and prevents developing.

    Effective methods of getting rid of an annoyed bindweed in the garden plot 19417_1
    Effective methods of getting rid of an annoyed bridge in the garden plot Maria Verbilkova

    Bind. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    The baskets need to be pouring to the ripening of seeds, because during the season there may be many. But the long and severe root system will form new shoots that are so necessary for photosynthesis. With constant removal of the roots are depleted, and then completely dying. Suggest weeds before the formation of leaves.

    In this case, it is necessary to switch the site without the help of a cultivator or shovel, but only here the garden forks will help - it is this way that the way will give a positive result. This labor instrument will allow to remove the weed herb entirely, without cutting her roots. If at least a piece remain in the ground, a new bindweed will grow out of it. On the large territory, daccias spend deep plowing with a plow, and then remove all scraps from the soil.

    If the garden territory captured by the curly birch is small, it can be closed with rubberoid or any film of black. Because of the dense cover that does not pass the solar rays, photosynthesis will be stopped in full, and throughout the season, the entire area will be cleared. In no case do not remove the coating before the onset of cold weather. The film can be replaced with a thick layer of straw at least 10-15 cm, covered with boards. And the dacms use a mulch consisting of sawdust, plant residues or other organics.

    The bindweed prefers to grow on sour soil and is not friendly with ferrous connections. Make into the ground Dolomite flour or wood ash, as well as lime or iron vigor - these substances will make it less suitable for birch. To deplete the root system of the stems, moisten the saline liquid (10 l / 1.5 kg of substance). Spray on a hot day, from such a processing the stalk dries out. Repeat process as the stem is growing, so you can destroy the root system.

    As a chemical means, use glyphosites. If it gets into the stems, the drugs are able to penetrate deeply into the roots. During the treatments by other chemicals, not only stems, but also the soil, which leads to a decrease in its fertility.

    Effective methods of getting rid of an annoyed bindweed in the garden plot 19417_2
    Effective methods of getting rid of an annoyed bridge in the garden plot Maria Verbilkova

    Bind. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    Gardening territories are treated with Tornado Bau preparations, and also use "Sprut Extra". In case the landing place you want to use under the green lawn, the grass can sow about 14 days. In the autumn period, immediately after the collection of mature crop for irrigation, the bridge can be applied:

    • "Defalt";
    • "Zero";
    • "Roundap";
    • "Alaz";
    • "Glifor".

    To protect grain crops from weed, you can use the Herbicide "Granstar Pro", and the drug "Demetra" will not be offended onions. Landing vegetable spray after the appearance of 1-2 feathers. The bindweed shows sensitivity to the Demera tool 90%. To achieve its complete destruction, treatment with glyphosate drugs must be carried out for several years.

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