Dishes of Valentine's Day: how to pave the path to the heart

Dishes of Valentine's Day: how to pave the path to the heart 19381_1

How to please your loved one or your loved on the day of lovers - he is the same day of St. Valentine - and at the same time to warm up, because until the end of our Siberian winter is still not close?

We are about food, about dishes, and what did you think about?

Siberian frosts are not in a hurry from us to leave, and therefore it is quite appropriate to think about how and how to warm up on a cold winter day.

Perhaps the most famous method is hot soup, and here in the first place many will put borsch, which is capable of warm up not only with its temperature and taste, but also appearance. It is only worth introducing this unusual red soup with small amber drops of fat and a white island sour cream, sprinkled finely chopped greens, fragrant garlic and seasonings - and in the soul already becomes warmer.

In no less popular in winter and ear, and others traditional for Siberia Soups that do not surprise us.

And what do you say about such a popular today asian ramen? Especially since it is absolutely simple to prepare it, even the same borsch.

So, first you need to boil meat, be sure to get a strong brewing broth. Which meat? The classic is pork, although the beef, and even a chicken. The main thing is not forget the bone.

To get a good broth for a rake, put meat into cold water, a small piece of ginger root, several cloves of garlic and green onions. Further, as usual - after boiling, remove the foam and leave the minimum fire so that only a little bouffroxy, strong boiling is needed. For the "Asianness" for the "Asianship" to the broth 1-2 tablespoons of soy sauce, but it is at your discretion. And boil until the meat is ready. When everything is welded, spray and pepper.

Separately boil the thin noodles, merge the water, you can rinse with it with cold water so that it does not stick (but it is not necessary) and leave it in a bowl. You also need to cook an egg. It is best to cook it so that the protein becomes solid, and the yolk remained half a grandeur. So it turns out if the egg cook about 4-5 minutes.

That's all! And now you only need all the components to assemble together in a plate: put noodles, tops - pieces of meat, separated, of course, from the bones, well, and half the eggs. All pour hot broth, sprinkle a finely chopped green onion and here it is simple hot fragrant happiness that will warm you with frost. And your second beloved half, of course, too.

But, as they say, not the soup one ... you can warm up on a cold day. Perfectly will warm the dish, which in England is called "pasty pie". It can be both cold, but it is much more tastier, of course, in the hot form. And most importantly - he is very simply preparing. Want to try? Then forward!

Cook potatoes, make a puree from her with a raw egg and assign to cool down.

Meat (any) fresher with onions, you can add carrots and celery. Then pour a glass of beer and extinguish 5-10 minutes to the moment when alcohol evaporates approximately half. Add hot water and extinguish another 20-30 minutes on slow fire.

Solita, add spices to your taste, then - half a cup of cold water with a tablespoon stirred in it. It is well stirred and stretching for another five minutes until it starts thick.

Put the meat into the form, and on top - mashed potatoes, which is well smoothed over the meat filling with silicone spatula or spoon.

Bake in preheated to 180 ° C oven 5-10 minutes to ruddy crust. You can sprinkle with grated cheese right away how to get or per minute until readiness - at your discretion. All, you can enjoy! Your favorite half will rate, do not doubt. By the way, a green peas can be applied to such a pie.

Well, the dessert remains. It's still easier - bake any cookie, cutting it to baking molds in the form of hearts - and here it is, your dessert by February 14.

According to the chef and co-owner of Novosibirsk restaurants Pardon My French and No Spicy Please Francois Fournier, in France there are no special dishes for Valentine's Day and the menu these days is distinguished by almost a mandatory presence of baking in it in the form of hearts and all sorts cocktails, the basis of which will be sparkling drinks.

In general, with the holiday and love each other always, not only February 14!

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