PhotoFact: Elegant Minsk residents left the house to see fashion show online

PhotoFact: Elegant Minsk residents left the house to see fashion show online 19378_1

The fact that society needs to urgently switch to something except survival and satisfying primary needs, usually can be understood by the emergence of fashion events. If they are organized, revive, it means that people are already ready to dress beautifully, gather in a solemn atmosphere and leave their problems beyond. Yesterday, at the premiere BRANDS FASHION SHOW show only, "how long ago I was not (-A) at events." Show how the evening went.

Have you noticed how quickly all the industries rebuilt on the online format? Online order and delivery, even the smallest brand of clothing, is already the norm. It is somehow necessary to survive. Fashion generally responds to changes. For the second year, the BRANDS FASHION SHOW organizers are forced to conduct display online.

Previous few seasons Shooting the show generally did without living spectators and broadcast for everyone. The ninth season was decided to spend with some relaxes: to be more fun, visited guests from the trendy sphere and journalists. And they came. And there were even a lot of them. The amazing event in the world of familiar distance, where even in the cafe of people protects the protective screens from each other.

The topic of the ninth season Brands Fashion Show - the intersection of fashion and other areas of business. Guests were told about how important to create collaborations. It turned out too advertising: for example, we learned that the Satoshi brand sews Merch for one famous IT company, and Simon puts his clothes in one spa.

But it was in the show and something completely non-profit: for example, a collection of students of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, which is very different. But despite this, students do not earn and feel free to say that they need money. So you can look like something creative in young creators and buy.

Segment from Couture got the brand Agata Karobka. The girl creates avant-garde decorations like a mask from a bead or a futuristic crown and accompanies it with dresses with ruffles.

You can see the fashion day online by reference.

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