About 300 strikers of foreign firm on Karachaganak declared a hunger strike


About 300 strikers of foreign firm on Karachaganak declared a hunger strike

About 300 strikers of foreign firm on Karachaganak declared a hunger strike

Uralsk. Jan. 7. KazTAG - About 300 Bastor employees of the foreign company Bonatti on the Karachaganak field in the West Kazakhstan region declared a hunger strike, "my city" reports.

"We, employees of the Bonatti Karachaganak field, today put forward demands to raise wages. But our requests remained unanswered, so we are forced to declare a hunger strike. Moreover, we want to dismiss for the fact that we were absent in the workplaces of more than three hours. We do not agree with this, we did not leave jobs, were on the facility. More than 300 workers did not have lunch today, and we took a general decision about refusing food, "the strikers said.

Employees located in the Bonatti Blin region earlier demanded to increase wages by 50%.

"Several times in December last year wrote letters to the company's management and akimat, asked to raise wages. But no one responded to our requests. During the pandemic, we were asked to wait, they said that allegedly no opportunity to raise the salary, everyone sit at home. Now people have ended patience, everything is becoming more expensive, there is not enough money, we need to contain families, pay loans. This morning we went to work, stopped production and wait for the intelligible response from the manual. For 28 working days, the wage on average is about T300 thousand, for which we live two months, it turns out, for T150 thousand per month. There are not enough money, "the workers said on the eve.

As noted, on the letter written on December 30, they received an answer on January 4th. It said that the company's management is not in the workplace, but upon arrival they will understand.

"No riots, we just refused to work. We understand that maybe the leaders are not on the spot. But the replacement person should be able to listen to us. And then now the 21st century, you can organize everything in the online mode, "the strikers noted.

According to the publication, in order to clarify the situation, the deputy akim of the Blining district of Alpamas Kushkenbayev arrived at the place, but the journalists failed to achieve comments from local authorities.

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