Myths about the performance of the exercise Vacuum


On social networks, there are many bloggers and fitness coaches every day who want to train users with one or another wisdom. Often these coaches look tumaled and attractive. But is it worth paying for their valuable advice?

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Many of these fitness bloggers advise the exercise of a plank, assuring that with his help even a big belly will leave and drew a thin waist. Often people believe to coaches, laying out round sums for meaningless and weakly working tips. But there is a GOB from the plank and what common myths relate to this exercise.

Myth 1. burn fat with a plank

The bar is a breathing exercise, and they, as you know, do not help burn fat. They do not accelerate the burning process of fat. Even if you make a bar around the clock, the fat will not leave. So, this myth is far from reality.

Myth 2. Reduce Waist

Vacuum is an excellent exercise that affects the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Over time, the internal organs can descend, but the vacuum will help prevent this unpleasant process, strengthening the transverse muscle of the abdomen. In this case, the organs do not omit. It turns out, to remove the waist for 3-5 cm with a vacuum, it is quite possible, but it will not get rid of large volumes.

Exercise works only in that situation when the transverse muscle is strongly stretched and the big belly appeared for this reason. It should be remembered that the vacuum works only the first month of training, in this case a person will see the result, then the exercise will have a supporting effect.

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Myth 3. There are exercises burning fat locally

Many believe in this myth because of their illiteracy. Many, performing exercises to the press, do not understand why the belly does not disappear anywhere. It should be remembered that it is possible to get rid of a fat roller in the waist area, you can only combat physical activity with proper nutrition.

The fat burning is a process affecting the whole body in general, and not its local sections. When creating a calorie deficit in the body, chemical processes burning fat begins to occur. But if a person returned to the former portions of food or stopped playing sports, fat ceases to leave. It does not matter exactly what exercises a person performs, the fat will leave from all seats, and not from individual sites.

Myth 4. Increases pressure in the abdominal cavity

This myth is fundamentally far from the truth, when performing this exercise, on the contrary, the pressure in the abdomen decreases. At the same time, in the organs of a small pelvis, it enhances the outflow of venous blood, which has a positive effect on the well-being of people suffering from varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

It is not worth counting the vacuum of the panacea. He will not remove a big belly, he will not be able to burn fat in the field of the waist, but bring a little sagging muscle into the tone to him. However, it is not necessary to replace this exercise power and cardiography if you wish to see the result, getting rid of fat in problem places. Vacuum can be performed in a complex with other, more efficient exercises.

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