How Telegram is subject to censorship and what it really needs to be cleaned


The last couple of weeks were quite complicated for Telegram, but productive. An application for messaging has been observed a surgery of registrations after news that WhatsApp changes its privacy policy to allow data exchange with Facebook. But you should not think that Telegram is a calm harbor, which is always quiet and no one threatens your security. In fact, this is not entirely so, and to debunk two myth, I will tell you how Telegram affects the level of crime in the world and how Telegram filters content. Yes, if you thought that there are no censorship in this messenger, then you were mistaken. Yes, and what else!

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Censorship is everywhere. Even in Telegram. And this is good.

Why Telegram deletes messages

One of the main reasons why Telegram among other social networking platforms has recently been the focus of attention - these are concerns that it provides an ideal environment for disseminating unlawful information. After the siege in the US, the Capitol with supporters of Donald Trump, many social networks were in a difficult position.

This week, Telegram founder Pavel Durov wrote that hundreds of public calls to violence were removed. That is, a certain censor and filtering content in it still have.

How to complain about the message in Telegram

To complain about the messages that you think can violate the service rules, you just right-click (on a computer) or Longtap (on your smartphone or tablet) Call an additional menu of this message and select "Complain". So in a couple of clicks you can complain to any message in public channels.

After the complaint is received, the message falls into moderators and they already decide on its blocking.

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To Telegram is at least a little "cleaner", there are many people.

Can Delegram from the Application Store

Meanwhile, the non-profit group in Washington sues Apple, requiring the iPhone manufacturer to delete Telegram from its App Store. The precedents were already when, for example, applications were removed from the storage, which, as stated in the requirements, were racified extremismats, nationalism, racism and other similar phenomena. According to Apple statements, it went to radical measures to remove applications in order to avoid "threats of violence and illegal activities" on its platform.

Pavel Durov warned about the appearance of paid functions and advertising in Telegram

Durov makes a big bet on his messenger and even officially confirmed that if Telegram is blocked in "Storas", then there is a Telegram-B plan for which the messenger will simply move to the browser. Of course, so-so ease of use, but for many it will be the right solution.

Is it correct that Telegram introduces censorship

Interestingly, the United States, where such a scandal broke out is only two percent of the user base Telegram. Stripping from the total database of 500 million users, it is not difficult to calculate that it is about 10 million accounts.

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If you blocked at the Telegram at least something, it can start literally everything.

But even such a number of users is important if it comes to termination of access to the market. If you save access to the application in the US, then the share of presence and the number of US users can be increased at times, if not ten times.

And if such a wave goes on the rest of the markets? In this case, losses can be much more large, and the messenger with the greatest freedom of words easier to move and just more actively start deleting dubious messages.

We also have in Telegram, but our channel is filled with good, light and informative.

Dangerous whether Telegram is dangerous

Moreover, there are plenty of doubts about the legality of the messenger. Contrary to popular belief, they are not only in Russia, where many consider them unreasonable and even biased.

For example, recent reports in the German newspaper Berliner Zeitung described in detail how the crime in the capital of Germany flourishes thanks to Telegram. Groups that contribute to prostitution and sale of drugs are commonplace. The fact that the application offers channels and publicly available groups depending on your location, means that this is the perfect tool for those who sell and deliver illegal drugs. Using the "People Near" feature, each user can access anything illegal literally for a couple of clicks. And contributes to this that messages in Telegram are encrypted and almost not deleted.

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Stop and delete with a big desire you can anything.

In addition, Telegram becomes a place where various theories, hypothesis and other exercises are obtained very widespread, which are not just misleading, but sometimes even dangerous. Of course, other channels are also enough, but if we are talking about the frank "game", it can be blocked. But with Telegram it does not work.

Voice chats appeared in Telegram. What is it and how it works

How many Telegram users

The fact remains: in 2021, people will run Telegram. Only last week the messenger received 25 million new users in one 72-hour period. Now the application has more than 500 million users, but so far this is nothing compared to 1.5 billion accounts in WhatsApp, but the trend is obvious. It remains only to understand how many people will leave whatsapp in Telegram, and how much will it just be used by two messengers or go from "third"?

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What do you choose?

As practice shows, the freedom of one ends where the freedom of another begins. When censorship in the messenger begins to influence the safety of people, they have to look for protection, and blocking through law enforcement becomes the only tool, unless, of course, the messenger himself does not begin to fight for his purity. While the balance is saved, but let's see what will happen next.

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