"What kind of football player Alexander Kokorin?" - Italian site about the game qualities of Sasha


In recent days, Alexander Kokorina speaks more in the light of his stormy past than about his football qualities, which many are known. What kind of player will train under the guidance of Cesare Prandelli, and as a mentor "violets" can use it on the field?

Since Prandelli took the Brazuds of the Board by the team, "Fiorentina" focused on the 3-5-2 scheme, acting rather in the counterattack style, although in the last games the system was transformed in 3-4-2-1, in which the central striker shedped forward Vlasovich from below was supported by two midfielder attacking.

With Prandelli "violets" try to play high pressure to ensure interceptions on someone else's half of the field and rapid transitions to the attack. PPDA - the frequency and efficiency of high pressure - is located in Fiorentina on a rather low level, 9.89. In general, the results of such a game model are disappointed, although there was an exception in the form of a guest match with Juventus in Turin.

The case is complicated by the low realization of the moments. With the new coach, "Fiorentina" scored only 10 goals at XG - indicator of the expected heads - 17. Despite 6 goals in the execution of one Vlasovich (3 of them - from a penalty), "violets" only confirmed the existence of problems in the attack, which in the summer He spoke the ex-mentor of the Juseppe Yakini team, persistently asking for the strengthening of the attack.

Club guide responded to these requests only in winter, when Alexander Kokorin was added to the team. The native of the city of Valuyki is able to act and as a striker on the edge, and as one of the players of the attacking group under the central striker. Thus, Prandelli can use it both for the substitution of Vrasovich, and in a pair to Croatu - when moving to a diagram with two clean forwards. If "Fiorentina" retains the game drawing with one striker at the top and two attacking midfielders under it, the Russian is also able to be one of two support players for Vrasovich.

Kokorin impresses a combinational player who read well free zones and performing the right opening capable of helping the team with an exit from the defense at the attack. With his dimensions, he may move freely through the opponent's penalty, and he has repeatedly demonstrated that he has certain skills in the game on the second floor.

"Fiorentina" makes a serious bet on Kokorin, which is noticeable in financial investments in its transfer (5 million euros and a contract for 3.5 years), and to wait for readiness, because it will need a certain time to gain a form (the Russian striker himself spoke At least about one month). But doubts about the prospects of the striker are associated not only with the physical form, but also with how he adapts, immersed in a completely different reality.

For Alexander, and not until the end of the discontinued talent showed itself below the level of expectations in Spartak, "Fiorentina", it is quite possible, is the last big chance to show itself a European-level player. Just for this reason, the 29-year-old striker (in March he will be 30) did not hesitate to respond, receiving a proposal from "violets", even taking into account the decrease in the salary, which will be clearly less than that amount that they paid him in Spartak ", And this is about 4 million euros per year.

"Fiorentina", for its part, hopes that Kokorin will not face those physical problems that prevented completely disclosed in Italy to another Russian, Andrei Kanchelskis, who passed to the Violeok mill in January 1997 from English "Everton".

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