The meeting of the Presidium of the College of Lawyers of the Republic of Kazakhstan again canceled due to the non-appearance of the Chair


The meeting of the Presidium of the College of Lawyers of the Republic of Kazakhstan again canceled due to the non-appearance of the Chair

The meeting of the Presidium of the College of Lawyers of the Republic of Kazakhstan again canceled due to the non-appearance of the Chair

Almaty. 6th January. KazTAG - meeting of the Presidium of the Republican Board of Lawyers (RCA) of Kazakhstan, which should have considered the claims of the lawyer's community to the chairman of the Kadyrzhan Baymukhanov colleague, were canceled for the third time.

"On January 6, as you know, a meeting of the Presidium of the Republic of Kazakhstan should be held, which is already in the second or even for the third time, most likely will not take place, now - by personal circumstances by Baymukhanovoy. But this time we would like to remind, while the chairman of the RCA was still the Wedge, and the members of the Presidium of the RCA have all legitimate grounds to hold a meeting without her participation! " - the lawyer of Rena Kerimova in the social network, signed by even more than 100 lawyers.

According to lawyers, the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, the meeting of the Presidium of the Republic of Kazakhstan again did not take place due to the failure to appear the chairman of the RCA and several more members of the Presidium. At the same time, the petition with the requirement to hold a meeting and consider the change of the chairman of the RCA, almost 300 lawyers from different regions have already signed.

"It should be noted that the date of the meeting of the RKA Presidium was determined in advance - at the previous meeting of the Presidium (December 23, 2020) when members of the presidium did not provide a quorum without good reason. Only the Chairman of the Presidium of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Baymukhanov, and, with any documents confirming the reason for its absence, did not provide participation about the impossibility of participation. There were no representatives of the seven colleges: Karaganda Oka, Kyzylorda Oka, the East Kazakhstan Oka, the city of Shymkent, Zhambylskaya Oka, Turkestan Oka, Akmola, and one member of the Presidium from the city of Nur-Sultan. Colleagues, from these areas, ask members of the Presidium, who must submit your interests in the RCa, what they were busy today that they could not connect to the meeting of the Presidium of the RCA?! " - A lawyer Lily Chausov turned.

According to her, representatives of the 11 colleges present at the meeting of the Presidium declared the need to convene a conference no later than March 27, 2021 on the issue of re-election of the Chairman of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will be prepared and directed by the appropriate requirement.

Recall, the indignation of the law community aroused the statements by Baymukhanov regarding the project "On Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Affairs and Legal Aid", in particular, her words that lawyers need to be deprived of a license for life. Lawyers require the resignation of the current head of the RCA.

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