Seven-year-old Iraid needs money for the rehabilitation course

Seven-year-old Iraid needs money for the rehabilitation course 1930_1

Iraida from Moscow needs help. Now the girl is 7 years old, she was born ahead of time, the doctors were afraid that the child would not be able to live without constant medical support, but thanks to the efforts of the parents next year, Irada can go to school. So that these plans have been implemented, it is necessary to continue the rehabilitation course, which costs 700 thousand rubles. There are no such money from the family.

Steps are given with difficulty, but Iraida is stubbornly forward. She was born on the 25th week weighing 700 grams, the doctors considered the case hopeless.

Elizabeth Popova, Mom Iraida: "Doctors said that I had a child - vegetables, a child who could not see, hear, suck, there is, to recognize relatives, to make movements that can not be anything."

The inflexible will of his parents who did not want to surrender, brought their results. The girl is self-confident, assertive, even harsh, next year she will go to the first class.

Iraida Popova: "I'm going to school. I want to be a doctor in the hospital. You can also do, and listen, and deliver a thermometer. "

Not bad for a child, which was propheted vegetative existence. Irada herself goes to the office and there is a pretentious doctor there, then the long workout begins - the development of large and small motors, speech, complex rehabilitation. And so 4 hours, not counting everyday studition at home. Nerves and will in the girl are definitely iron, like parents.

Elizabeth Popova: "Parents always have a choice. Or you put up, crying and regret yourself, you regret the child, everything is sad and hard, all the enemies, there is no strength, there is no money, there is nothing, or you are not even starting to work, but plow. "

The terrible truth is that there is little will, you need money. Lot. 700 thousand rubles only for continued rehabilitation.

Kirill Malakhov, Head of the Rehabilitation Department of the Center "Freshly Step": "How are some say, well, they live all their lives that they collect money on them? They are not sorry. But there are prospects to step from one level in another, improve the quality of life. "

The prospects for Iraida can really be good, but if not to continue, regress will begin, and everything that incredible efforts managed to achieve may be lost. To help the girl, send an SMS to number 3434 with the word "fund" and the amount of donation. For example: Foundation 350.

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