"Prices from 2 and a half rubles and no overbought." Learned who and how to trade tulips on March 8


That's the usual streets of the capital turn into commercial floral rows - tulips, mimosa and roses will be flourishing everywhere: in the markets, near stores and pedestrian crossings, and especially near the metro stations, there the number of flower skills per square meter will be overwhelmed. Learned which sites were organized for trading and what price will be installed on tulips.

You can trade on the streets of Minsk from March 5 to March 8, for this it is necessary permission to place, which gives the administration of the district until March 4 (inclusive). This year, the dealers were forbidden to trade (mediators?) On the streets and allow only those citizens who can document themselves that the flowers are grown on their site either on the site of their relative. Why is that? The administrations of the districts refer to the report by the Main Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee of 16.02.2021. Everyone else trading remains in the markets, you just need to pay the place.

Until the day of the beginning of the trade, a written notice should be submitted to the tax authority with an indication of the activities on color trafficking, place and trading dates. Based on the calculation of the tax to pay the tax and make the mark on the payment of the tax in the inspection. When trading a receipt to have with you, as well as a photocopy of passports and references that the flowers are grown in the subsidiary farm.

Major benefits for tax trading taxes:

pensioners are less than 20%; disabled by 20%; multi-fashioned by 20%; parents raising children with disabilities, by 20%; Persons with disabilities I and II groups raising children up to 18 or children who receive education on day form are exempt from tax payment.

To deliver colors and trade over the Internet, registration is needed as an IP, the physical can only advertise its point in the market. In addition, IP does not have restrictions on the sale places of colors: both in the markets, and in the established places, carry out delivery to the house, highlight trade, exit trade, trade through the pavilion, kiosk, shop, through the online store, etc. For the entire goods, the IP should have documents confirming the purchase of goods (overhead, including from the Russian Federation).

The prices for tulips will be in the range of 2.5-3 rubles per piece, it all depends on the enterprisingness of a kind of gardener. The administrations of the regions remind you that the implementation of unauthorized trade provides for responsibility in the form of an imposition of a fine in the amount of from 5 to 50 basic quantities.

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