20+ facts about Denmark proving that the old woman Europe is still able to pose even the most sophisticated travelers


Denmark was recognized by the wisp of the world around the country. Many wondered how descendants of the Vikings manage to enjoy life in the absence of the Sun, with a constantly stratum rain and a gusty wind? The secret has long been revealed: comfort, the perfect balance between family and career, as well as minimum stress.

But we are in adme.ru all the time it seems that there is something else, which we do not speak. Therefore, we hit the blogs left for people in Denmark and even talked to them personally. And everything in order to learn more about what the Danes makes such unique and happy.

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© Martin Nikolaj Christensen / Wikipedia

  • In Denmark a very specific climate. Almost all year round, the temperature is kept in the region of 10-20 ° C, often it rains - mesmer, but tedious. Danes are joking that their summer is different from their winter just the fact that rain is slightly warmer.
  • There are no mountains in this country, but there are many islands. Therefore, the wind is constantly blowing here. Once the Danes were elected to the comedian parliament, which promised to ensure a permanent passing wind on cycles.
  • At the same time, the Dane dress quite easily. "I moved to Denmark from St. Petersburg, and before that I lived in Perm, so I got used to the cold climate. But I was very surprised when I saw in December on the street of people in shorts, "Alexander told ADME.ru, who came to the country for work.

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"Many were interested in the possibilities for winter sports. - In Denmark, it's cold? - Yes. This is the Baltic. There is always cold. - So you can ski or snowboard? - I can definitely. But not in Denmark. And I reported to my interlocutor that the highest point of this country is located all at an altitude of 171 m above sea level, and to ride skiing, you need to go to Sweden. "Helen Russell

  • Denmark begins with the airport. It works from 7:00 to 23:00, nightlights simply do not exist.
  • It is generally very careful about employee working time. "On Friday, our working day is shorter for 3 hours, and the working week eventually is 37 hours. On ordinary days we end to work at 16:30, and everyone gets up and go. If something has not completed, then continue the next day, but not overtime. It is necessary to have a serious rationale to stay overtime or go out on weekends. This is coordinated at the level of top managers, "Alexander told Adme.ru.
  • By the way, if the employee feels ailment, he does not have to go to the doctor to get sick leave. It has the right not to attend work for a state of health for 3 days, without presenting any references.
  • In Denmark, in general, a peculiar health system: the ambulance will come only if you are completely close to sending to that light. But almost everywhere (in government agencies and even often in private) there are defibrillators in case someone becomes bad.

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© Sleepynepeta / Pikabu

  • The birth rate in Denmark over the past 30 years has achieved a critical low mark: only 11 babies are born per thousand inhabitants.
  • The government and even private companies were connected to solving the problem. Travel offices conducts a campaign to attract young couples to short journeys under the motto "Do this for Denmark!". The company offers women "ovulation discount": when booking tickets, they indicate the date of the last menstruation, which allows you to choose the most favorable time for conception.

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  • Anyone who will send a photo of a positive pregnancy test after such a trip will receive a prize - a three-year margin of diapers.

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  • One of the secrets of the Danish Organizations - electronic queues that are everywhere: both in the ministry and in the exchanger at the station, and in the mail, and in the confectionery. The strategy seems to "I only ask" loses meaning. Even if the store is empty and you will be the only buyer, you still have to take a ticket: these are the rules.
  • And the rules are observed here strictly, especially this is noticeable on the road. "I live here for 2 months and have not seen a single accident. Even a hint of an accident, "says Alexander. "Although, contrary to stereotypes, I often see how young guys and girls turn the road to a red traffic light signal." Of course, they do it when there are no cars nearby, but still the legendary Danish law is slightly exaggerated. "

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© Hygger / Pikabu

  • With all its closedness, the Danes never reset the windows. "I heard from the local that this tradition is associated with Protestant ethics, which implies modesty in consumption. Open windows seek: see, we have no big wealth, "Alexander told Adme.ru. - At the same time, the inhabitants of the first floors stick the glass with a translucent film about the middle of the window. "
  • Danish houses and apartments inside are very similar: White walls, unpacked wooden floors, minimalism and full order. And, unlike many other European countries, the central heating system works in Denmark, and in the dwelling is quite warm. True, on the night heating can turn off.

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  • At the entrance to the house it is customized to remove shoes. Her, by the way, be left without problems outside the apartment, right in the entrance.

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  • Almost all housing is rented without furniture. Only the kitchen is fully equipped - there are most often even a dishwasher. But all the rest of the tenants buy themselves.
  • The bathrooms of the Danes are combined, there are no baths at all, there is only a shower. It is separated from the toilet with a small partition. In Copenhagen, the sanitary area often does not exceed 1.5 square meters. m, almost like a dressing cabin, only there is also a shower. They even have their own name - Københavnertoilet (Köpenhaaulette).

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© Hygger / Pikabu

  • In Russia, when they talk about distant and incomprehensible, often pronounce: "I have been on foot before China." In Denmark, when a person does not understand something, he says: Det Er for Mig Som En by I Rusland - "For me it is like a city in Russia."
  • Danes adore their flag and often hang it on the entrance doors in honor of the parties, and also stick into cakes. If the flag is worn out, it is not thrown out, but burn.
  • For Christmas, everyone leaves for parents per city. Suitable christmas evening. The whole family together prepares dinner: a few kinds of potatoes, chips, salad and traditional phlecesta (Flæskesteg, baked pork with a crispy crust). Guests come to 17:00, talk. After a dense dinner comes the game in gifts - Pakkeleg. Everyone brings several small inexpensive gifts. They must be packed so that no one knows what inside. Guests take turns throw 2 cubes - the one who has two six, can take any gift from the common heap. So they play until they dismiss all the gifts. Then the second round comes - 10-15 minutes to throw a cube and already select a gift from any other. As soon as the alarm clockets, everyone remains with "looted." Now you can unpack presents. Then the dancing time is suitable around the Christmas tree (if there are children) and unpacking the main gifts.
  • At the end of the evening, sit at the table again. Before everyone put a large bowl with rice porridge with crushed almonds. In Casha there is one whole nut. The one who he caught should not talk about it until everyone finishes eating porridge. Only when the bowl of empty, a man pulls out a nut from his mouth and gets Mandelgave. Then everyone drinks coffee and eat dessert.

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© Sleepynepeta / Pikabu

  • It is customary to exchange gifts. At the checkout, if you say you buy a thing as a gift, a special check-receipt will be discharged, which allows you to exchange, for example, a jacket in any of the stores. Or just pass it.
  • In Denmark, only 4 days a year is allowed to launch fireworks. Salutes are sold from the 15th to December 31, and to use them for their intended purpose only from December 27 to January 1.
  • There is a tradition related to the celebration of some anniversaries. If a birthday room or a birthday room at the time of execution, they are not in marriage at the time of execution, they put them from a lamppost and sprinkled with cinnamon from their legs. If by the age of 30 people did not get a couple, he was shoved by pepper.

20+ facts about Denmark proving that the old woman Europe is still able to pose even the most sophisticated travelers 19265_11
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Have you been to Denmark? Do you think that makes this people so happy? Or perhaps, rumors about Scandinavian happiness are greatly exaggerated?

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