Millenniyaly VS Sneakers: Where do they invest money to live ryte?

Millenniyaly VS Sneakers: Where do they invest money to live ryte? 19253_1

As a change of generations will affect trends in investments and whether the global layers of the system are waiting for us due to the fact that the zoomers enter the active age of the "marketing" solvent audience in conversation with told the Deputy General Director of the Investment Company Aktivo Konstantin Zemskov.

Millennialy Investors are now

Among the current investors are many millennales. These are young people from 25 to 40 (year of birth from 1981 to 1996). Most Millennilas in Russia rose in a poor setting, the ideals of workolism have absorbed and are convinced that they can only achieve - it is only worth an effort. They value brands, status and nourish sympathy for what gives them a feeling of stability and "satiety". At the same time, these feelings are not always expressed materially and concerned: Millenniyala is looking for impressions and emotions. To have enough money to ensure your needs, Millenälya work a lot. It is interesting to note that at the same time they do not seek to buy housing - The Resolution Foundation calculated that only 47% of Millennalev will have their own housing by the time they are 45 years old.

Millenniyaly VS Sneakers: Where do they invest money to live ryte? 19253_2

Therefore, such investors often prefer conservative portfolio and ready-made algorithms. Not each of them has deep professional knowledge in the field of finance, but they read a lot, compared, although they often use the finished offers of companies. They are ready to risk, but begin with what gives a feeling of stability. Therefore, the basis of their portfolios often commercial real estate with grocery retail - she has proven its reliability in a pandemic and with different kinds of crises that Millennialy in Russia were found in excess and learned to be afraid of fast collapse. And getting the stability and the first predicted and indexed income, they feel more confident and are already starting to play larger. But at the same time, many have no financial pillows and accumulations - Millennialy prefer to spend.

A fundamentally generation is distinguished by how they receive information: Millennialys listen to bloggers, prefer a gamefamined and lightweight content - units will read the habitual for most investors dry analytics and arguments of professionals. Millennialys consume information quickly, so it should be easily friendly. But at the same time, Millenialov cannot be called people who reason superficially and are conducted on the fakes - they quickly filter out and analyze a large array of information. Therefore, companies and funds should review the application approach, but not simplify its content.

Forecast for Investors Zeomers

Even the zoomers went further - many generation researchers believe that this generation has developed a mechanism for intuitively screening information and identifying fakes. They easily feel false, do not go on status and brands and consciously fit consuming. This generation, for example, chooses entertainment, but at the same time cognitive content. Sneakers are grounded in many areas, because they were born with smartphones in their hands. The level of their financial literacy is higher than all preceding generations.

Millenniyaly VS Sneakers: Where do they invest money to live ryte? 19253_3

Psychologists have not yet studied the generation to prompt us how to contact him. But now it is obvious: the zoomers will postpone the consumption model and investment. Probable trend: the informed and value attitude of the company will be the same important criterion as the economic prospect of investment.

Another feature that is inherited from Millenialyans is mobility. All investments should be available in the smartphone, and the document management process is optimized and fast.

What does this mean in practice?

We will see digitalization and digitalization of investments. A new slang will appear to describe investments in the "youth" language. They describe strategies - FOMO - Fear of Missing Out - (English - "Frame of missed benefits") and Yolo - You Only Live Once (English - "We only live"). These are new motivators for consumption, and therefore investments. Of course, they did not appear out of the air and are familiar with the eldest generation of investors, but Millenniyaly comprehended them, expressed their format clearly for them, they were converted and now used.

Measures, like any generation, denying preceding, probably remove from Millenialylov. They, for example, now, unlike Millennoalov, who postpone more to the support of children (35%) and travel (25%), walled on the living space (44%) and unforeseen circumstances (20%), and on vacation and travel only 17% of respondents. Sneakers are distinguished by more thoughtful investments and investments, but they will be invested in what they are close and understandable, which corresponds to their values: new types of energy, technology, telemedicine and eco-friendly housing. The industry will certainly be adjusted under the new legislators. It is important to change with her and do not miss new investors.

As the speaker noted, in the structure of the Investors of Aktivo, the share of zoomers over the last three years has not changed in any way and is 1%. In practice, this means that in the total mass of investment capital of funds accumulated by this generation, there are not yet enough. But to discount from accounts, not to take into account this group of investors in no case. At the same time, the share of Millenilands among investors in the same period increased from 47% to 51%, and the proportion of other investors decreased from 52% to 48%. Over time, zumerata will also begin to push out Milleniels, as the last now displaces the previous generations.

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