What are the prospects for telemedicine in Russia IT equipment suppliers for health care?


The ICL Techno Company as part of the ICL Group of Companies was among the three largest suppliers of IT equipment and health solutions, according to CNews expert research. The rating revealed leading players of the health sector, providing digital and innovative equipment of the country's medical institution.

What are the prospects for telemedicine in Russia IT equipment suppliers for health care? 19219_1

ICL techno activity is based on a thirty years of experience in the development of equipment and its production on orders of state structures. Products under the ICL brand are produced at their own factory in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Development of the Russian Federation and is included in the "Unified Register of Domestic Radio Electronic Products". The ICL GK has the status of the system-forming organization and is included in the list of the Ministry of Industry.

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On the prospects for the development of telemedicine in Russia, we are talking to Albert Shagivalev, head of the direction of health, companies


-What do you see the main problems of the development of telemedicine in Russia?

A. Shagivalaev: There is an unused potential to promote new technologies in the provision of medical care. COVID-19 helped accelerate a number of these changes, for example, the use of telemedicine, autonomous robots and artificial intelligence in hospitals. New technologies can enhance medical care algorithms for both patients and health workers.

At the moment we have experienced a crisis and full growth revealed the most important issues that braked the introduction of telemedicine.

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The top of the iceberg are legislative problems. In 2018, the law regulating the sphere of telemedicine and the possibility of its application entered into force on the territory of the Russian Federation, which had a number of issues, barriers and contradictions, and does not contribute to the increment of the pace of its implementation. For example, under the law, the health worker cannot accept the use of telemedicine outside of its workplace. Also, to use telemedicine services, you need to go through the identification procedure on the State Service portal, which causes complexity, especially in elderly patients.

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In addition, an important problem is the use of Russian telemedicine systems of the classical model "Face to Face", which allows only full-time communication on video communications, without the possibility of remote diagnosis of the patient's physical condition. In this regard, the assessment of the state of health is made only on the basis of the collection of complaints and anamnesis, which does not allow to obtain a comprehensive assessment of well-being and, as a result, to properly diagnose. Also, the billing of remote diagnostics is not regulated, which leads to a passive relationship from medical personnel regarding the provision of these types of diagnostic services.

- Like recent progress in this area, such as technical and legislative.

A. Shagivaleyev: Like any large-scale innovation that has no analogues, telemedicine is surrounded by numerous barriers and contradictions. However, any barriers, including legislative, gradually remove. In Russia, at the moment, the Ministry of Economic Development is developing a mechanism for practical applications of the so-called. "Digital Sandboxes" for the development of technological innovations in the Russian Federation. One of the first projects falling under their action will become just telemedicine technologies. Sandboxes allow you to abandon a number of legislative requirements that impede the development of new technologies. Due to this enterprise involved in innovation, as well as the authorities will be able to test them without risk to violate existing legal acts, and in the future, in the event of a successful result, to disseminate the experience of their implementation.

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To date, technologies have emerged to solve problems of online diagnostics of the patient's health with the ability to transmit information in DICOM and HL7 medical formats. In our opinion, it is such instruments that give impetus to the development of modern telemedicine and improving the quality of telemedicine assistance.

-Why in Russia during the pandemic period there is no active development of a virtual clinic?

A. Shagivalayev: The jump-shaking increase in the popularity of remote medical consultations during the pandemic period in 2020 revealed the main disadvantages of the Russian telemedicine system. First, not all patients had the opportunity to use this service, due to the lack of technical means. Secondly, not all health workers were prepared to remote consultations. Thirdly, the Covel wave of teleconsultations was reflected in reducing the quality of the provision of services.

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-When Russia will be able to treat people to the house qualitatively?

A. Shagivalaev: Coronavirus Pandemic became an incentive for the development of telemedicine in Russia. However, truly qualitative growth of telemedicine can be observed in the implementation of a number of the following conditions:

  • When Russian patients have the opportunity to contact the doctors unhindered (technically and without limit on the number of appeals).
  • It is necessary to simplify user identification and enable doctors to advise patients not only from their office in a hospital or polyclinic.
  • When a general and legally enshrined approach to the remuneration of physicians working in the field of telemedicine will be developed. At the moment, allocated budget funds and OMS tariffs do not cover the costs of medical institutions to use telemedicine services.

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-What solutions for health care provides your company?

Regardless, in which area the organization works, we begin with audit, consulting and optimizing the IT infrastructure of our client. This important process, during which we examine and give a holistic assessment of the entire set of information systems, services, we study their relationship and how they ensure the functioning of the organization, is necessary in order to obtain the most complete and reliable data to systematize them. Only after that we offer solutions. Our mobile telemedicine racks are most in demand. This is a multifunctional solution that is one of the executions of the hardware and software complex "Remote Telemedicine Consultation System" allowing to automate the process of conducting telemedicine consultation in a medical organization with the possibility of recording DICOM medical research to the regional archive of medical images.

What are the prospects for telemedicine in Russia IT equipment suppliers for health care? 19219_8

There is everything for remote control of the patient's inspection, research records, the possibility of more closely studying individual frames, viewing images and movies-loops from local archives, saving records.

The complex allows medical organization to get the following features:

  • Conduct planned and emergency telemedicine consultations;
  • Connecting any analog or digital medical device with further transmission and recording of a medical image in DICOM format;
  • Conducting consultations, training, meetings, which is especially relevant in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic;
  • Move to any premises of the medical institution.

We also have mobile telemedicine complexes for Feldsher-obstetric items, for conducting and dispensarization and professional medical examinations, and mobile mobile brigades. These complexes are also the comprehensive execution of the hardware and software complex "System of remote telemedicine consultations".

Each complex has differences in the configuration that correspond to the goals of the medical examination. The use of these solutions is particularly relevant under the conditions of the continuing threat of infection with coronavirus infection (COVID-19). They provide automated work with functional, laboratory and radiation devices, provide the ability to receive, process and store information. On their base, you can interact with medical information systems, working offline, to obtain telemedicine consultations from experts using video conferencing. Complexes correspond to the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 965n, 543n and 124n.

Decisions were tested in the most extreme working conditions and are used in various subjects of the Russian Federation, including the conditions of the Far North, in the hard-to-reach settlements.

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