
Thief 19186_1

Some events grow into memory durable roots. Especially in childhood, especially pain and resentment caused by parents ...

Life does not teach anything? Or each event is a lesson? Only we digest it in different ways. And some events are growing in memory of durable roots. Especially in childhood, especially pain and resentment caused by the parents. And with age, questions appear: why did this happen? Why did he do that? What is the event for me - an example to follow or a warning that brings pain? And yet - is the benefit of me or punishment? Sometimes you have to live for many years, waiting for an answer to these questions.

Here is one story.

The hot summer day of Tanya goes on the road, holding a little brother by the hand and fun bouncing. A light breeze blows tanya's head in Panama, from which two little blond pigties stick out ridiculous. In the soul of Tanya, the indescribable feeling of joy, happiness and satisfaction with themselves. They have long dreamed of trying to taste a big chocolate chocolate taste. But the parents did not buy, because they built a new home and the whole father and Mine salary went to building materials.

And chocolates were sold in a rural store in bright rustling purple wrappers. Neighbor guys and girls gave money to candy, and they do not.

Hooray! Now they have such a thing. How little is needed for happiness at 7 years old!

Well, let that one for two.

Well, let that this had to take 10 rubles, which lay on the dinner table under the glue.

She calculated everything. After 2 days, Brother's birthday and grandfather will give him 1 rub. Every year she gave Ving and Thane for her birthdays every year. Chocolate candy costs 95 kopecks. So, there is nothing terrible, if Tanya takes a 10-ruble piece of paper, putting it down, and then the ruble will add vhobric and again under the glue on the table will lie 10 rubles.

So they agreed with his brother. Great plan!

With these rainbow thoughts, still feeling the taste of chocolate in the mouth, they happily walked from the store towards the house. In his hands, the brother kept a bright rustling wrap, Tanya looked at him from top to bottom and rejoiced his happy smile.

She snapped his hand in Sarafan's pocket, to check again that the money was on the spot ... and froze ... The cold of an unpleasant wave covered her whole body, she stared his eyes in horror and began to smoke on his pockets ... no money!

Such horror Tanya experienced the first time in his life ... what to do now? Maybe in the store forgot?

She threw his brother and rushed back, looking around his way into each hole, on the side of the road, in the grass. No, I did not find it.

Going up to the store, she went around the corner, where they looked chocolate with Vovka ... I looked around there ... No, I did not find it.

The girl perfectly remembered that the seller gave her the surrender she put in his pocket. Where could they go?

Tanya passed once again on the road, searches every corner. Having reached his brother, she checked the pockets of his shorts, but there was nothing there.

Now it covered despair ... How to say mom?

From joy and happiness there is no trace. The rest of the way home children were silently, lowering the head. Vovka has not yet fully understood what is happening. But Tanya knew what would be when Mom finds out about the disappearance.

The next 2 days for Tanya passed in fear .... So I was afraid of that moment when my mother finds out .... And this moment came.

From each impact of the watering hose Tanya sobbed everything louder and louder. But it was not so painful from the blows, as from the word "thief", which Mom accompanied every strike.

Tanya wanted to shout, explain everything: "Mom, I'm not a thief, I did not want to steal, I just wanted to try a delicious chocolate together with Vova, so that we had a bright wrapper, I would have returned all the money in 2 days ... Mom, not Bay me, mom ... Talk to me, mom! ".

But Tanya heard only:

Torivka, my daughter Torivka, as you do not intend to disappoint me!

Then another 2 weeks of Tanya went hot in the pants, because he could not seem before girlfriends with her legs in bruises .... And it was ashamed that she took money without demand, for what happened, it is called "shame" ... I am ashamed for the bruises ... .. he also hurts, it hurts that mom did not listen to her ... I did not forgive me ... it's painful for the word "thief", which now does not come out of her head .... And now Mom always looks at She is with a reproach, and it seems that in her eyes it is reflected in the word "thief" ... ..

These memories swept from Tatiana Nikolaevna in the head in a matter of seconds, while she looked into her daughter's eyes, full of the same horror ......

A couple of hours before the house there was a phone call:

- Tatiana Nikolaevna? - There was a voice in the handset.

- Yes, I'm listening.

- You are worried about Galina Semenovna, the fact is that your daughter Olga has been treating children from other classes with candies. You know where she has money for it? It seems to me that she will steal from you, and my duty will warn you about it. You must take action! - Strictly uttered the class teacher.

For Tanya, it was a surprise. Her daughter steals money? In order to feed the whole school with candy?

- Yes, I'll deal with it. Thank you for the call, Galina Semenovna - calmly answered Tanya and put the phone.

Passing around the rooms, she really found that the vases, where the husband threw a trifle, empty. So, the daughter really took money without demand ....

Tame was tired of waiting for a child at home and she came out to meet her outside. A few minutes later she saw a girl. The daughter went slowly, with two long dark braids and a heavy portfolio behind his back. Approaching the house, it seemed that she was going all slower and slower, looking straight in front of him .... And her eyes were full of horror ..

Tanya silently went home, Olya entered her.

"Olya, let's talk," a woman said a calm quiet voice.

The girl did not hear in the voice of the mother of rigor, anger or irritation and calmed down a little.

They sat in the kitchen.

- I called the teacher and told everything. Tell me where I took the money and why?

"Mom, children just wanted candy, they don't buy them." - She looked up the girl. - And they wanted. I thought that we had a lot of money at home if they were just lying in vases, and there would be nothing terrible if I take a little and treat children with sweets. We have a lot of money? Can we buy candy? Please Mom, do not scold me, do not punish. I will no longer.

In the eyes of Oli, tears were chatted.

Tanya approached her, hugged her.

- Calm down, daughter. I will not scold you. But let's agree that the next time you need to buy something for yourself or someone, you will definitely discuss it with me. Okay?

- I promise moms.

The next day, Tana called again a teacher with indignations about the fact that the child was not punished and that she encourages theft, and what kind of education is this?! But Tanya was indifferent to the words of the teacher.

She just loved her daughter as she could ... just did not want to scold her, did not see the point. And Tanya felt with surprise that pain and insult, who accompanied her all his life, gradually leave her heart ... as if she finally waited for a response.

How would she do now, do not be that event in childhood?

What was this: good or punishment? Example or warning?

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