ECE explained the Eurasian pension system on the example of Kyrgyzstan

ECE explained the Eurasian pension system on the example of Kyrgyzstan 19170_1
ECE explained the Eurasian pension system on the example of Kyrgyzstan

The EEC explained the system of a single pension space in the EAEU on the example of Kyrgyzstan. This was spoken by the Minister of Economics Eurasian Economic Commission Timur Zhaksylkov. He revealed whether the relatives of migrants would be able to receive their pension savings in the Eurasian Union countries.

The Minister of Economics and Financial Policy ECE Timur Zhaksylkov listed the possibilities that the pension agreement between the countries of the Eurasian Union entered into force during the video consideration of January 29th. He explained how the pension system will work on the example of Kyrgyzstan.

Jachaselov led the situation in which a citizen of Kyrgyzstan turned to receive a pension, but at the same time indicated that she worked for some time in other EAEU countries. "Social Fund of Kyrgyzstan will send a request for confirmation of the experience in the competent authorities of other EAEU countries. If the answer is positive that he worked, and what contributions were paid for him, the experience is summed up and a pension will be accrued in accordance with the legislation of Kyrgyzstan, "the minister said. At the same time, in countries where a citizen worked will be charged and paid its part of the pension.

Among the benefits of the Single Pension Space, EAEEC Zhaksylkov allocated the export of pensions from one country of the Union to another, the equalization of labor rights of citizens of Russia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Belarus, the summation of the experience in working in different countries of the EAEU, as well as reflected in the pension of employee contributions to the pension fund.

In addition to the benefits listed, the ECE Economy Minister stressed that the heirs of labor migrants will be able to receive their pension savings in the event of the death of the worker. "For this, family members do not need the presence in the country where pension savings were formed. The right to receive savings is regulated as part of the export of pensions, "said Zhaksylkov.

We will remind, earlier it became known that the pension agreement between the EAEU countries entered into force. In Russia, insurance pensions in old age, disability, as well as the loss of the breadwinner fall under the agreement. On January 12, the ECE published the procedure for obtaining pensions in the Eurasian Union countries. It is noted that in the future, the interaction between the authorized bodies on the payment of pensions in the EAEU will be carried out with the help of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union. However, before the transition to the digital interaction of the country, the EAEU will be used by paper document flow and formulations, which are approved by new order.

Read more about the work of a single pension space in EAEU, read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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