Banks prohibit pensioners to take money from account: experts explained what happens

Banks prohibit pensioners to take money from account: experts explained what happens 19163_1

At the end of last year, fraudsters became more actively attacking the bank accounts of citizens, especially pensioners affected. Experts calculated that the amount of stolen funds increased tenfold - to 66 billion rubles compared with 2019. To protect the means of senior citizens, banks are forced to block their operations, the "Kommersant" reports.

Experts are confident that such behavior of banks is beneficial to customers, because if the credit organization will miss the actions of attackers, to return the losses incurred by the client will be much more complicated.

Citizens are told in social networks that someone refused to issue cash in the bank's separation, referring to the fact that the client in old age. Someone has encountered a blocking account at all.

The heads of information security GC "Elexet" Ivan Schubina explained that all these cases could be associated with the tightening of anti-food (literally - "Fraud Fraud") in a credit institution.

Are banks really have the right to discriminate customers in the age basis?

The head of the ICD Legal Department Irina Gudkov explained that according to Article 161-ФЗ, the Bank has the right to this if it suspects not the root, and it concerns not only the elderly. At the same time, the Bank's employees must contact the client to clarify the situation.

The director of the technical department of the RTM Group Fedor Muzalevsky explained that standard antiprod algorithms include blocking amounts that are not characteristic of a person. In other words, if an elderly citizen spends no more than 30 thousand rubles per month, then the translation of 300 thousand rubles per day may be regarded by the bank as doubtful. The financial institution can block the operation exclusively from good intentions, but also will force themselves, because to lose customers is very unprofitable.

Recall that the deputies of "Fair Russia" sent a new bill to the government, which can give the right to retire another category of population. We are talking about the families of medical workers who died due to diseases acquired as a result of professional activities.

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