Svetlana Stepankovskaya: Scandal with Hammali & Navai, work model and anorexia


You started a career in the model business. In 2008, the title "Miss Krasnodar" won, and next - "1st Vice-Miss Russia". Let's right about what gave you it. Reflamensionality, for example?

It happened in one year. In winter, there was a Miss Krasnodar contest, and immediately behind him, in the spring, Miss Russia. Before that, I worked as a European model - from 16 years old and went on the podiums in Paris, Milan, Germany, Greece ... I earned in Asia well. Probably, I tried myself in this direction and proved that I can, that I am a recognized beauty. Although I never considered myself a beauty. Bright - yes, but not beautiful.

Why, in general, from your point of view, girls participate in such contests? What goals they pursue?

Probably, for those who have no model experience, it is a chance to try yourself, declare themselves on a professional podium, as a lot of training is going to contests. Then you can get the work model as in Russia, as abroad.

You have already mentioned that you had many contracts in Asia. Models consider this market very promising. Yes, not so prestigious, like, say, Europe, but much more profitable. How are things really?

My model experience began 19 years ago. And the most successful was in Asia, of course. There are really the biggest fees, there you can earn tens of thousands of dollars, working for directories. After that, I got into Europe and faced difficulties. The models are divided into two categories: camep (model shooting for magazines - ed.) And commercial model. I got into both categories. But to match the cameion, I had just nothing. It was difficult for me, so when I gained weight, then passed to commercial work - starred in catalogs, for billboards, etc. However, with this situation, you can immediately forget about working with large brands like Chanel or Dior. Therefore, most often the girls are doing this: they make beautiful Porpheolio in Europe and return to Russia or Asia. With such a resume, there are more opportunities to conclude profitable contracts.

Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya
Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya

Many believe that the life of the model is completely feebles and parties. But, as far as I know, it often happens that you live a few people in the apartment, the shooting put on an early morning, they are tightened for the whole day, and from the "effort" of stylists and makeup artists deteriorates skin and hair. Where is the truth?

Life model - Heavy work! In Russia, you sometimes have 15 castings per day - in the period of fashion weeks, for example. All this in different parts of the city. If you are not 18, then you can not drive on the car, but on a taxi is unprofitable. Then you take the Metro map and count on the route with all the crosses.

Next, if you take a job, sometimes you come to place and at 5 am, and in 2 nights. Depending on what is needed by photographer: Dawn, sunset, swimming in the ocean ... For example, in the winter they can shoot the summer and vice versa. In a bathing suit you stand on the street in the cold and smile. When the skin shines, they are smeared, and you pretend that the sun shines. You do not eat, do not sleep, but most importantly, remember: in no case you can not gain weight! If you fully, you lose contracts.

At what point did you decide that it was time to tie with modeling?

I have already said that I was harder to support my body in the right form, because I am prone to a weight set. Now I, for example, weigh 15 kg more than then. And I'm tired of nomadic life, from permanent movements. I could not have my own corner, my friends permanent. Even the guys ran from such a lifestyle. Well, the solution has come that you need to change the vector.

And after that you got into the group "Mobile Blondes". And he worked there under the beginning of Igor Matvienko. He is a real legend of our show business! What did you like?

Igor Igorevich is a stunning producer. One of the most kind and intelligent producers. Being in his team cool, this is a great luck. He gives freedom and almost does not scold. If also scolds, it makes so carefully and gently that it becomes ashamed inside for what you do ... he is talented, kind friend, mentor and boss. We all called it just like that - the boss. This is the most cool experience. His whole team is a big family.

Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya
Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya

And then the choice fell on the acting profession ...

Actress I wanted to become always. From four years spent on stage, danced. Long been a dancer. At the time when I worked as a model, there were many different proposals to play in the movies. And I used them, but I realized that there was not enough experience and skills. I was ashamed to be on a platform with professionals who knew how to learn the text, how to behave correctly on the set. In the university, of course, not everything is taught, but education helps to cope with excitement, fear and emotions ... If you have a base, it is psychologically easier to cope with your clamps. I entered the Schukin Institute.

You starred in the "University", "Deffchonki" and "Kitchen in Paris" - all projects are quite loud. How did you manage to get there?

Well, in "Deffchonka" I starred before the Institute. It was one of the first roles. And so ... Well, how do people get roles? I came to samples. And a lot went to different castings. You either get a role or not. Then it turned out.

Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya
Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya

Where can I see you on the screen in the near future?

I have a lot of projects that are still in work. I am very worried, as some of them were filmed 3 years ago. For example, "Affect" with director Denis Neumanan, "Two shores" with Olga Saturistic. Another Varyag, where I have one of the main roles. But projects are not yet ready. I am very much waiting!

Let's break a little from professional affairs. Recently, an unpleasant story in the club happened to you. You beat your companion Nawaii Bakirov from the Hammali & Navai superpopular duet. What happened there at all?

I do not know what kind of girl is. She first poured my girlfriend alcohol. I made her a remark, and she pounced on me. And began to strike. Apology, I never received any of the group, nor from the girl. The proceedings goes. But I'm shocked by the guys! How much can you be cordless? A man should not, incorrect, water mud at his back. I really hear a lot about myself that they talk about me. So they behave panties.

Some of the guys went with you to contact after all?

These guys are weaklings. They never asked how I was doing, if I was alive, I need help. I just have nothing to say. I'm shocked - and that's it. It's a shame and annoying. Now I wrote a statement. I want this young lady to receive a punishment and suffered responsibility for your act. A girl who expresses himself in this way and leads in society, is simply obliged to suffer punishment. Let the streets, removes in the toilets, removes the snow - anything so that she realize that it is impossible.

Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya
Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya

As far as I know, you do not first come across aggression in your address. At school you, as they say, Bullille for appearance. But how so? You are very beautiful.

I think everyone came across school with similar stories. I was modest, thin. Another younger than all. All have fun at me. Sometimes even the girls suited me a boycot for what I liked the boys more than the rest. This is such a children's story. I survived it, it became stronger, the right to vote. I began to understand what something worthy of.

How do you think these complexes have led to the fact that you barely didn't breathe anorexia? It was so?

No, the school has nothing to do with it. I used both height, and thin in the model career, and this is what I brought me to anorexia. This is a terrible stress when you need to weigh every week when your work depends on the arrow on the scales, when you are called fat for each fresh kilogram. I could not go with girlfriends to the beach, because I considered myself permanently fat. These are very large psychological problems.

Looking back, what advice would you give yourself that?

I would like to say to myself: be more tolerant to yourself. Do not take everything close to heart. Kleb Every failure is an experience. Each situation then Bila is very painful, so wounded that I could not go further. Now I understand that it is not worth a long time to focus on the problem. You need to disassemble it and move on. And they would probably be sure to believe people so much. Do not be offended by evil and envious. On the contrary, it is worth showing them that you can live differently.

Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya
Photo from the personal archive of Svetlana Stepankovskaya

And let's make another temporary jump - now in the future. What are your plans? I know that you are working on YouTube Show. Tell me what it will be about.

There are many plans ... Discuss now the main role in one film, really planning to do YouTube. I think about a short meter. The vocal story is still not fully completed for me. Maybe something will begin to implement. I really want to travel - for inspiration. Sun charge want to get to create.

Photo source: Personal archive Svetlana Stepankovskaya

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