The Commission on the problems of victims of nuclear tests of the regions asks to create a Majilisman


The Commission on the problems of victims of nuclear tests of the regions asks to create a Majilisman

The Commission on the problems of victims of nuclear tests of the regions asks to create a Majilisman

Astana. February 10th. KazTag - Bibichan Serikova. MP Majilis Alexander Milyutin asks to create an interdepartmental commission to solve the problems of regions affected by nuclear tests, the agency correspondent reports.

"We ask you to create an interdepartmental commission led by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government, who oversees the social block, with the participation of representatives of interested akimates, scientists and deputies of all levels for consideration and solve problems of regions affected by nuclear tests," Milyutin said on Wednesday, turning to Inquiry to Prime Minister.

He noted that in 2021 it marks 30 years from the date of the decree on the closure of the Semipalatinsky test nuclear landfill.

"For the first time in the history of the world, the state voluntarily refused nuclear potential. According to different estimates, more than 1.5 million people were injured in Kazakhstan from nuclear tests. The statistics of the cardiovascular system of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system are growing. As well as high mortality among children. To solve these problems, Kazakhstan in 1992 adopted a law on the social protection of citizens affected by nuclear tests at the Semipalatinian nuclear landfill, "said the Majilisman.

According to him, the mechanism for ensuring social benefits of this law is outdated. Separate attention requires one of the standards for additional wages and leave to citizens who go beyond the East Kazakhstan region.

"As President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev said, the government has not yet worked out a set of measures for the treatment, rehabilitation, rehabilitation, social protection of the population and the socio-economic development of the territory of the former landfill. The government needs to clearly develop specific medical support and rehabilitation programs for each category of residents, expanding the economic development of specific territories, providing targeted social benefits and preferences, "says Milyutin.

He also added that a country with specific programs to address this issue can expect the effective international assistance to the United Nations General Assembly (UN), which in its resolution adopted on December 21, 2020, once again urged UN member states to promote rehabilitation population and economic development of the region.

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