Test will determine the model of life


Each person has its own ideas about life depending on his worldview and life experience, and manifest themselves in the life scenario. The life scenario is an individual way to interact with others, awareness of its place in society, the usual mechanisms of behavior and response to the situation. From the set of available options each selects its own, and then builds its life in accordance with this model.

Want to know what model you chose? Look at the pictures presented and select your favorite.

Test will determine the model of life 19146_1

1. "The day will come, and the real life will begin." This model of behavior is peculiar to a person who is waiting for a real life. He considers everything that happens only for the preface, a probe, a draft variant of life. "Now I live" how it turns out ", and even then I will start living in real." But this "then" can last all his life, and a person does not live, but only preparing for life. Moment flight, clock, days, years, as if there were no them. I want to rather step up this "bright future", and the present seems already vigorous. What to do? Learn to "catch wonderful moments", living every moment consciously. Build plans for small segments of time and rejoice in their execution. And if not fulfilled, talking to the life "Thank you" for valuable experience. Motto: "Stop, instant! You are fine! ".

2. "I live only when I create something new" creative person lives simultaneously "here and now" and "out of time", realizing its own value only through the creative result. The past is no longer interesting for him, and the future is incomprehensible. And today the main thing is awareness and understanding. The internal analytical process for it is more important than the material world and the relationship with others. His "inner life" is more important than "external", therefore, the family and loved ones always misapt attention and care. But he himself really wants attention, recognition and evaluating his creativity, so having offended and changeless. What to do? Among the search and discoveries, highlight the time for family and friends, recreation and hobbies. All this will be another resource for inspiration.

3. "I am what I achieved." This is a model of life of a winner who is constantly seeking to high goals. For him, "Today" is only an opportunity to achieve the future. The one who has done "himself" is a person who does not feel satisfying from the result, because there is always a new goal ahead. "I feel my life only reaching the top." But this feeling lasts moments, and then the devastation and thirst for new achievements comes. This model can be considered modern, adaptive and adequate. We are taught to set goals and achieve them, assessing a person according to its results. But you need to think: is it worth the purpose of the time spent? Try to enjoy the process. And the minutes of victories and achievements "stretch" and "relent". After all, on the way to the tops there are excellent landscapes and amazing fellow travelers.

4. "Dreams, dreams! What is your sweetness? " A person who adheres to this life model is a dreamer and fantasist. He knows how to "leave" into another reality, into the world where there are no problems and difficulties. It can be books, movies, computer games, fantasies. A person loses the feeling of time, does not notice the real life in which he is bored. The reason for choosing a similar life model is both personal features and the inconsistency of human needs and requirements for it. An alarming person cannot correspond to the form of a figure and a fighter. He does not seek a career, and he is told: "You need to be the winner." The emotional and sensitive person "without skin" feels bad in conditions of competition and the desire for material benefit. Feeling "inappropriate to this life", he goes into the world of illusion, to imitation of life. It is good that such a person has a valuable resource - creativity and creative thinking. Consider to see and create a new one, as well as working autonomously, it can achieve a lot without destroying his personality.

5. "The habit of more than us is given, the replacement of happiness is." This model is based on strict compliance with rules, norms and instructions. They can be communicated to a person from outside (parents, society) or created by him, but in the future become the basis of existence. So it is convenient to live, because everything is regulated and predictable, but so live - it means "cut off" everything new and unknown. Making a choice towards stability, a person loses the opportunity to go new way, to experience new sensations. To live according to the rules - it means to "drive yourself into the frame", making your own life too predictable. Think: how do the rules you stick to meet your needs? Are there meaning in them? Do they make you happy, and your life is comfortable? Of course, it is not about the laws of the state, but about the rules for which you are building relationships with people and the world.

6. "Life is a search for the meaning of life." This model implies that human life is regulated by higher, spiritual needs. This is life - ministry, service, the idea, man. Choosing such a living model, a person puts the goals of others above their own, so often sacrifices his own interests. This model corresponds to three main roles: rescuer, defender and creator. Without them, the existence of both society as a whole and a separate person is impossible. Only a conscious choice of such a life scenario allows a person to endure the difficulties of the selected mission, as it understands that this difficulty suffers. Well, if there are people close in the spirit, and the family knows how to understand and support the family. Life is kept on such people, but they always live easy to live.

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