6 Spring events for garden conifers


The beauty of garden boys depends on careful care and attention from gardener. Care for conifers consists of several stages, which is important to observe with the cultivation of pines and fir.

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Sunbeam protection

Winter shelters from frosts can be used to protect coniferous crops from the scorching spring sun. That is why the gardener is better not to hurry with their removal, opening gradually.

It is possible to completely remove the winter shelter only after the soil is completely warmed. If you remove the underfloor material too early, the straight sun rays can cause a strong evaporation of moisture and burns, yellowing of tender needles.

Trimming and cleaning

After removing winter shelter, coniferous cultures need sanitary pruning. To do this, the sharp gardener should be cropped all the faded branches, yellowed. Simultaneously with sanitation, it is possible to carry out both the desired shape of the tree can be carried out.

In the case of the detection of Morozoboin, they need to be cleaned with a sharp blade, after which it is 3% to treat garden ward or a solution of 3%. It is impossible to postpone such a strip, as it contributes to the penetration of infection and promotes cultural disease.

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For the first time, we need coniferous plantings after the end of the return spring frosts. Until that time, it is best to moisten the plants with a spray gun.

Mulching and fertilizer of coniferous crops

The feeding and mulching of coniferous plants should be carried out in one day. The mulch effectively holds nutrients in the ground and ensures full nutrition of garden crops.

For feeding conifers can be used both organic (compost or overworked manure) and complex mineral fertilizers. If the plant begins to dry and fade, and its needles becomes the brown shade best to bother with its epin growth stimulator.

As a mulch, you can use fallen cones, sins and chopped wood bark. Such a mulch not only well keeps moisture and nutritious elements in the soil, but also inhibits the growth of weeds and the development of malicious microorganisms.

Processing against diseases and pests

For processing coniferous crops from diseases and pests, it is best to use drugs that combine the properties of insecticides and fungicides. Such formulations can be bought at any store for gardeners and gardens or prepare independently, mixing several drugs - for example, the speed and actara, accuters and topaz.

Landing and transplanting

Spring months are the optimal time for planting and convening conifers. Their root system is significantly better to transfer various procedures and is not injured before the heat.

Roughs are the majestic perennial plants that any corner of the garden turn into an original, scenic place. Care for conifers consists of several stages that need to be observed gardeners for the beauty and health of garden plants.

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