True or myth? Hydrogel Film on iPhone


The last couple of years is all just talking about hydrogel films on the phone. Allegedly they are so cool, they themselves are restored after damage (already interesting), easily glue and do not leave behind the bubbles. It sounds like a fairy tale, given that it is possible to find a hydrogel film on an iPhone for 200-300 rubles. Is this film really so good, as they say about it? Why then continue to make ordinary protective glasses? Let's try to figure out.

True or myth? Hydrogel Film on iPhone 1910_1
Everything is just talking about hydrogel films. But are they so good?

What is a hydrogel film on the phone

In general, the hydrogel is the material that absorbs and keeps moisture. It has long been widely used in crop production, because it helps to maintain the water balance of colors and other plants, and even in cosmetology, where hydrogel due to its properties is used to remove circles under the eyes and smoothing wrinkles. I do not know who it happened to use it in the manufacture of protective films on the screens of smartphones, but the idea turned out really not bad.

True or myth? Hydrogel Film on iPhone 1910_2
Hydrogel patches are quite common among women

Than most like hydrogel films, it is "self-establishment" properties. These films are really more resistant to mechanical damage than ordinary glass. For example, if you put a phone with a hydrogel film along with the keys, traces will remain on it, but literally every other day they will be almost not noticeable. At the expense of its properties, the hydrogel can really remove scratches, but only small. If you spend on the film by the stationery knife or scissors, the trace of this is not going anywhere.

True or myth? Hydrogel Film on iPhone 1910_3
Hydrogel film is better glued and restored from small scratches Pluses of the hydrogel film on the phone

In addition to the properties mentioned, it is worth noting the following advantages of the hydrogel film:

  • Resistant to the appearance of fingerprint;
  • Completely transparent;
  • Does not affect the color reproduction, has an anti-glare property;
  • More simple in applying;
  • Durable.

But there is a hydrogel film and cons, due to which it is often inferior to the usual protective glass.

Hydrogel film or protective glass?

First, the hydrogel film does not protect badly from shocks. Yes, it will save the screen from scratches, but if you drop the iPhone, the probability is great that under the film the screen will crack, and the characteristic "web" is formed. Protective glass, on the contrary, cracks itself, but will save the display itself. Of course, if the blow will be too strong, the protective glass will crack and the screen of the smartphone.

Secondly, the hydrogel film often leaves uncovered part of the screen. Protective glasses usually cover the screen completely. For example, here is a glass or such a gap between the display and the side face.

Thirdly, the hydrogel film is usually selling more than ordinary glass. Although in fact, in procurement, they cost equally, and some protective glasses are more expensive than ordinary films, like such glass from Spigen (there is also a special frame in the kit to stick to smoothly). Just because of high popularity and good marketing hydrogel "pushed" as "innovative material that has no analogues."

True or myth? Hydrogel Film on iPhone 1910_4
With good protective glasses in the kit there is a frame for sticking smoothly and without bubbles

At the same time, hydrogel films are really popular not just like that. Under such films, "bubbles" of air are almost not formed. I do not know how you, and I perfectly stuck out of the last 5 of my glasses. Two generally rejected. Hydrogel films are usually inclined easier, but the process is almost no different from sticking ordinary films - just hydrogel more elastic. Well, the property of cleaning small scratches also like many too.

How much is the hydrogel film

I stuck the Internet and found a variety of prices - from 200 rubles to 2000 rubles. Where does such a scatter come from? Most often, prices are taken from the ceiling, because marketing works. In order not to overpay, it is better to order where the stores themselves buy - yes, on Aliexpress. For example, here is a good hydrogel film that will cost it cheaper than 300 rubles on the iPhone 12, and on an older iPhone and more cheaper. At the same time, it will cover not only the display, but also the rear surface, including the camera. Rating 5.0, more than 24,000 reviews.

True or myth? Hydrogel Film on iPhone 1910_5
iPhone in hydrogel film

And for another 60 rubles, you can order a hydrogel film on the edge of the iPhone to completely protect the phone from scratches.

True or myth? Hydrogel Film on iPhone 1910_6
If you protect the iPhone, so completely

Do not be fooled when in stores offer you allegedly "the best" hydrogel film for 1000 rubles, in fact it is it, for 200-300 rubles.

At this price, I ordered myself a hydrogel film to try - purely for the sake of interest. If everything really is as they say, I will be very happy, because in just a couple of months the use of iPhone on the screen has already appeared scratches. Have you already used hydrogel films? Share a review in the comments or in our chat in Telegram.

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