Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young


Therapist, Cardiologist Tatyana Salygina told in a conversation with a correspondent AIF about pathologies, threatening a sudden death even to young people

Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young 19088_1

The cardiologist noted the reasons for premature lethal outcome can be: central sleepy apnea; gap or separation of aneurysm; tomb separation; Heart failures; Syndrome of sudden inexplicable death.

Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young 19088_2

According to the shealygin, sleepy apnea syndrome is a sleep disturbance, which is accompanied by the episodes of stopping rhinestained breathing. Its duration can be at least 10 seconds. With this syndrome, it can be registered from 5 to 60 and more short-term respiratory stops. Experts explain this by the fact that the central sleepy apnea is due to a decrease in pulse formation in the central nervous system. This impulse stimulates the respiratory muscles. In general, it may be the reason for stopping the breath in a dream.

Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young 19088_3

The cause of this pathology is the left ventricular heart failure, arising from the failures in the receipt of pulses from the central nervous system into respiratory muscles. The central sleepy apnea is directly related to cardiovascular and respiratory systems, with a normal sleep, and this means its immediate connection with the nervous system too. - Tatyana Salygina, doctor therapist, cardiologist

Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young 19088_4

The cardiologist noted that people who have such pathology express complaints of problems with falling asleep, for an inflexible and intermittent sleep, a sleepy state throughout the day due to the fact that at night they could not sleep. Some wake up with a sensation of a shortage of air or shortness of breath. This condition is facilitated when a person will take a half-time position.

Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young 19088_5

Such a disease, as the aortic aneurysm, according to a specialist, is manifested by symptoms of heart failure. This pathology may be accompanied by fainting, violation of cerebral circulation. This pathology is treated only by drugs, mainly surgically, but the treatment is not always possible.

Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young 19088_6

Another, no less common cause of death can be a thromboembolism or a tomb of thrombus. Currently, according to the cardiologist, a very frequent reason for the sudden death of people at any age.

If you suddenly have a shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air, you need to ask for help from a specialist as soon as possible. Also sometimes the doctor can notice on your cardiogram. At the same time, in some cases, establishing the cause of death causes some difficulties. - Tatyana Salygina, therapist, cardiologist -

Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young 19088_7

Nevertheless, the cardiologist stressed that there are certain risk groups. These include people with genetic diseases, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, some types of arrhythmias, heart defects.

Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young 19088_8

Russian Cardiologist Chaligina called pathologies, threatening a sudden death with young 19088_9

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