Hungry Games: Film Secrets


This article will appeal to franchise fans, and simply all those who are interested in the shooting process, and loves the history of the screen "on the other side".

And you knew that during the films of the "Hungry Games" films and mysterious events took place? Fingerming franchise youth, based on best-selling Susanna Collins, depicts an anti-dust future, where the ruling elite of Tiranans manages the poor provinces. All provinces must send one of their children every year for a deadly competition. The story exposes all the urgency of this building.

Ready to hear strange, but truthful stories about backstage incidents, frightening, but sometimes incredibly funny? Here are 18 secrets of "hungry games"!
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18. Jennifer Lawrence contused Josh Hutcherson

In the world of "hungry games", contestants must fight each other - a frightening ritual! But this does not mean that the actors must fight with each other truly, although it happened.

Jennifer Lawrence, who plays China, hit Josh Hutchenson on the head. The most amazing thing is that it was not even an accident on the set. Everything happened when the actors rested between the shooting of scenes and decided to arrange an improvised sparring: as a result, Josh from the blow got a concussion of the brain.

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17. Jennifer Lawrence filled half a penalty of "crucial banks"

Favorite characters - an example for youth! They do not have to utter scornful words. In the real life, bad words are also broken from the language. During the filming, Jennifer, that and the case threw very serious curses. At some point it became so bad that she herself put the penalty bank for curses. But this did not restrain our non-alien heroine. In the end of the filming, it turned out that she filled out more than half the banks.

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16. FoxFace and Fingal

From many opponents of China during testing of the hungry games memorable only units, such and was FoxFace (in the film the name of the heroine is not mentioned). Very tricky and clever girl, but her death was tragic.

And in real life, the actress Jacqueline Emerson, who plays this heroine, turned out to be less mobile. Quickly leaving the Starbucks coffee, she flew to the door and put himself a bruise under the eye. The most interesting thing is not the fact that the actor somewhere did not fit there, think! The studio forbade her to talk about injury because of the extreme secrecy of filmmaking.

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15. The actors worked in unbearably hot conditions

Everyone who saw the "hungry games" remembers the scene of the harvest. All distribution children traveled to the square and among them chose two "lucky ones" who will participate in the deadly fight. When these scenes were filmed, the heat was stood, and all day on the sun actors continued to play their roles. And because of the faces of the heroes turned out to be tragic that all the actors really suffered?

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14. Jennifer Lawrence received the nickname "dirty"

When we look at the movies, we do not think about such things as Tony Stark smells inside its costume of an Iron man or what a miracle feels feels in the trenches.

Hygiene Jennifer Lawrence on the set of "hungry games" left much to be desired, her colleagues gave her nickname about this. She was so tired after the filming, which did not take a shower and the next day appeared in yesterday's dirt and grima. In addition, she constantly coped his need right in the forest, and not in his cute trailer

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13. The scene in the elevator with Geno Malone was real

From many warriors, with which the Kitniss faces in "Hungry Games", none will compare in tricks with the deadly Joanna Mason. The winner of the 7 distribute disarms its enemies not only to physical power. When Mason first meets China, she takes off his outfit during a ride on the elevator to discharge the situation.

In real life, the actress Jen Malone was exposed not only before the film crew. Unfortunately for her, someone pressed the wrong button and the elevator opened on the floor of the hotel with vacationers, and not a set. Someone is lucky.

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12. Jennifer Lawrence and Sam Clafinlas were afraid to eat raw fish

Many people do not like fish, and rawly consider disgusting. These include Jennifer Lawrence and Sam Clafin. Very ironic, because Sam plays the winner of 4 districts, which is famous for fishing. In "Hungry Games: And the flame will break up" there is a scene where they should eat raw fish, and for two of these actors it is equivalent to eat garbage.

There is a pleasure that such a repulsive food for them may have been the most heroic act on the set. But the work has a job!

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11. Jennifer Lawrence Oglochla for a week

At the shooting of militants and blockbusters are possible different accidents. Tom Cruz broke his leg on the set "Mission: Impossible 6". In the worst cases, even fatal outcomes are possible, as happened to Brandon Li during the filming of the "crow". During filming "And the fire will flash" Jennifer Lawrence partially, Jennifer Louurens (right as her heroine in the first part. Notice how many ironic alluzi from the on-screen life occurred in reality).

During the filming of the scene, the horns of abundance Lawrence dived, and the water jet unsuccessfully hit the ear, as a result of which the eardrum burst. She did not appeal to the doctor, which led to infection and partial deafness for a whole week. For several more months, she restored hearing.

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10. Sam Clandline - Mattress

It is believed that an experienced fisherman and a hunter should have a dexterity and coordination. In several interviews with different actors, it turned out that Sam Claflin is absolutely clumsy. He constantly pushed other actors in the battle scenes with a trident, including Jennifer Lawrence, broke his own finger on the set. Perhaps he is a good actor, once he managed to convince the director and specialists in the casting that when he was hurt, he was perfect for this role.

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To be continued.

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