Elasticity (2021) - System Of A Down - All about the song

Elasticity (2021) - System Of A Down - All about the song 19066_1

About the track "Elasticity" (System of a Down) and the clip on it ...

"ELASTICITY" - such a name received a musical novelty of 2021 from System Of A Down! The song was released by Serge Tankian as the first single from the upcoming solo EP, which is full of recycled material System of a Down ... by the way: the steep clip was also shot to the track, which clearly gives the listeners to understand what exactly it is worth waiting for the musician solo project ... the main role In the music video, Sasha Bortich was performed - the Russian actress, who starved in a number of well-known film: "Holop", "Viking", "Policeman from ruble" and many others.

A little about the solo EP ...

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ELASTICITY (Solo Ep Cover Serzh Serzh Tankian)

For many years, System of A Down fans are patiently waiting for the release of a new group album. However, in 2018, Serge Tancan said that the only way, thanks to which the band will release a new album, is if he will be considered right ... Soon after that, the System of A Down bassist, Shavo Odagyan, said that their new music "exceeds everything What they did "in the past. However, the group continued to remain in a dead end, relating to the release of his new album ... Then, almost a year later, Darur Malakian - Guitarist Band - explained that creative differences between the participants of the group were the main reason why SOAD had not released a new album ...

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Serge Tankian

Although System of a Down returned with its first new music for almost 15 years in November, there are still no signs of the emergence of a new full-length album. Now Tankian takes some of these trimmed System of A Down songs and releases them independently. And now, at the end of March 2021, the release of a new solo EP called "Elasticity" is scheduled! In fact, the name is actually the reproduction of the well-known album 2001 toxicity System of A DOWN. By the way: in the 5-track release included songs that Tankian initially wrote with the thought of System of A Down.

In 2020, Tankian told Rolling Stone that fans can expect from this new solo EP out of five tracks:

List of tracks:

  • "Your Mom"
  • "RUMI"
  • "How Many Times?"

Music clip

Together with Trek, Serge Tankian presented a touching clip, the main role in which the Russian actress Sasha Bortich played. The director spoke by the notorious Vladislav Captures (editor of the film "Hardcore"), and Ilya Nasuller's film was sterling, known for several clips of the Leningrad group and the cult "False Alarm" The Weeknd.

By the way: only for the first week the clip scored more than 700 thousand views! The main heroine of the roller, Alexander Bortich, is known to the Russian public by participating in such filmts as the "Hall", "Viking", "Policeman from the ruble" ... Now the girl is ensured by success and abroad!

Conclusion ...

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system of a Down

Along with the new EP, Tankian also releases his new film called "Truth to Power" (the premiere is expected February 19). The project includes exclusive interviews and original frames, filmed by a tankyan personally. In addition, in the film there is a part of unmanaged music with his EP ELASTICITY. "Truth to Power" allows the audience behind the scenes to see the international rock star, whose faith into music produced a revolution not only in the heavy metal, but also in world events. Throughout his life, the musician sought to social justice, using the power of his songs and celebrities for real political change. Serzh's voice with an equal probability will assume the greed of American corporations: the musician boldly criticized the corrupt mode of his homeland! His long-term campaign for the official recognition of the US Armenian Genocide was finally approved by Congress in December 2019!

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