Kostenko spoke about the treason of Tarasova Buzova: "I'm confident in your beloved man"


Olga Buzova for a long time called Anastasia "Rapidly", assuring that she broke her family

Kostenko spoke about the treason of Tarasova Buzova:
Anastasia Kostenko, Dmitry Tarasov, Lisa.ru

26-year-old Kostenko told about relations with 33-year-old Tarasov. Dmitry has no successful period in his career. Kazan "Ruby" did not extend the contract with a football player and now a man in search of a good contract with another club. But the best thing he has - family. Young beautiful wife is always next to him, will support and inspire a word.

Kostenko spoke about the treason of Tarasova Buzova:
Anastasia Kostenko, Instagram.com

Anastasia admitted that he inspires the chosen one, and on the question: "How?", Advised to read the "five languages ​​of love" Gary Chepmen.

Kostenko spoke about the treason of Tarasova Buzova:
Anastasia Kostenko, Dmitry Tarasov, Instagram.com

Subscribers attacked the girl with questions, whether she was not afraid that her husband would find himself and quit her, because he had already threw Olga Buzov.

I did not think that one thing was noticed, how to sit and ask questions on the topic of which nothing is known to her. Be sure to yourself, and then such questions will not even appear ... I'm confident in my beloved man. Did you know that what are you afraid of in relation to yourself, is most often implemented? It is better to emphasize attention to your desires, plans and goals.

- answered Kostenko. The model also shared a picture with her husband's mother, noting that she was "excellent" with her mother-in-law.

Kostenko spoke about the treason of Tarasova Buzova:
Happy and Satisfied, instagram.com

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