9 Korean celebrities married their fans

9 Korean celebrities married their fans 19044_1

The dream of each girl is to marry a favorite star. Many men who hooked celebrity girls hooked about it. But it is possible to achieve its goal. Today is the Korean celebrities, which built a family with their fans.

Only two pairs of nine sorted up, but the rest live happily and to this day. This is a real example of when money and power is not the main thing, only love!

Shu and them Hyo Son

9 Korean celebrities married their fans 19044_2

Him is a dream - a basketball player known to Korea. He was a real fan of Shu before meeting her, and after acquaintance he fell in love with the girl finally.

"I never liked celebrities, but I fell in love with Shu, seeing SES speech," a man confessed himself in an interview, also told that even in his cabinet his photo was hung.

He put his goal - marry this girl, and achieved her!

Pak Hoe Sul and SU Son

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Before his debut, Pak Hoe was an ordinary commandant. He met a girl who really liked his playing guitar. Then she dreamed of becoming a screenwriter. A couple did not stop anything. They were together even when a man brought a salary of $ 50 per month.

All the dreams of the couple came true. Now they have everything. Before the wedding, they met for 6 years!

Ca Son Von and Lee Sukhin

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When the couple found each other, the cha son won was not yet a top star, but whether Sukhu Jin was confident in his future. According to the girl, she noticed his charm.

Lee 4 years older than his chosen one. When they first met in the club, she studied in college, and he is still in high school.

In 20 and 24, they have already issued their marriage. True, the wedding was not because the parents of young people were categorically against.

Li Zhi A and with TCH

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The story of this couple began in 1993, whether Zhi A saw a man at his concert in Los Angeles. She conquered his heart so much that he moved from Korea to America, however, a little later - in 1996.

In 1997, a couple had a wedding. Now, unfortunately, they are no longer together. Lee filed for divorce in 2006.

Chhe Rome and Lee Son Hwan

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Beautiful, but not quite a real story of love ... Chhe Rome was a fan of whether the son of Hwag is a very long time. And so, it would seem, he noticed her, and the couple even played a beautiful wedding.

After 3 years, they diverged, and then it turned out that they were officially married even and did not even conclude ... Soon, in 2014, Chche Rome married Gao Xingqi.

Lee SE Zhong and Kang Kion Jin

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The history of these two young people is very beautiful. Girl for a long time sought his chosen one.

Singer Lee SE Zhong is a member of the Yurisangja group. At the beginning of the career, he worked as a radio. After each broadcast, he was waiting for a box of home cookies and a letter from an unknown girl.

They met only in a couple of years. SE Zhong Baraga came to his concert, and asked for an autograph. When the performer asked who to sign, she called her name, and he remembered him. Since then, they are together ...

Hwan Chon Min and Kim Yun He

9 Korean celebrities married their fans 19044_8

Another beautiful love story. Hwan Chong Min long sought the heart of his fan. They graduated together with the elder school, and played in the musical called "Cats".

At that moment, the guy was just a poor actor, but I still found money, and brought my future spouse flowers every day. He sought her for a very long time, and finally conquered the heart of the girl.

From 2004 since 2004. The couple raises the son, and Hwan Chon Min calls his wife's wife.

Yun Su Ile and Kim Son Shim

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Yun Su Ile met with his wife not at the best moment of his life. She was one of his fans, and came to the rescue to the performer when he was in the hospital at the mother.

Fans came to support the artist, and she stayed for a long time to help, care for a woman. She conquered this concern to the singer.

"Thanks to her care, my mother lived for another six months," he always speaks in an interview.

Whether Son Min

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Whether the dream minus was long a poor and unknown to anyone actor. He even spent the night in the theater. But, his game really liked one girl who had added his attention for many years.

She achieved his own, and the couple got married. Despite the fact that Glory came to the actor only 25 years later, all this time the spouse believed in him.

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