How to prepare older to the birth of the younger: 5 cool books

How to prepare older to the birth of the younger: 5 cool books 19027_1

Not so long ago, an article was already published on Nen with recommendations for parents who would like to prepare the eldest (but still small) child to the birth of the younger. And today we complement these recommendations for children's literature: here are 5 books that will help to talk about how everything will be when someone will appear in your family. In general, quoting the classics, looking together, what power, brother.

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Bobo and sister Bibi

Posted by Marcus Ostervalder

Publisher: "Compassgid"


This book is devoted to waiting in the bear family Bobo sister. In the collection four small stories: In the first we learn about pregnancy Mom, in the second - bobo with dad go to buy a bed for the baby, in the third - sister named Bibi is finally born, and Bobo meets her in the hospital, and in the fourth - Mom returns With Bibi home, there is a breastfeeding, as well as the whole family for the first time goes for a walk with a stroller with a special footboard for the elder brother (be prepared for the fact that your child will surely want the same). One of the moments to which the Will-Neils pay attention when reading, - however respectfully and delicately parents ask Bobo, is it possible to give his sister Mobile and his otherly removed to the attic toys, and not just put it before the fact that all of what he Rose, now go to Bibi by inheritance. The topic of jealousy between brothers and sisters in the book is not presented, and the main mood here is joy and tenderness from a meeting with a new life. The books of this series are generally branded as "fastening", and since at the end of each head of Bobo really dorms, there is a chance that when reading the stories of Marcus Osterwalder will have the same effect on your child.

My younger sister

Authors: Astrid Debard and Pauline Martin

Publisher: "Scooter"


But the book of French authors, which is already working with a fullest spectrum of emotions arising from a child when the younger Sibling appears. Cares the very beginning of the book - Boy Leva says: "Once parents said that I would have a sister. And I, it seems, did not ask. " In general, a special delight on the addition of the boy does not experience. At first, Leva cannot understand at all, where parents hide his sister, because Mine Figure has changed completely. And then he thinks the sister will be similar to a soccer ball when will be born. But the little sister appears on the light, and Leva begins to jealous, and Mom tells him that the parents are "the heart like heaven, and there is enough space in it for everyone." The story continues the story about parallel growing up two children. I wonder how in the book intentionally "does not coincide" a visual series with the text: for example, on one of the pictures we see that the sister is sleeping tightly, but Lev says that she became very scary at night, and therefore he came to her. Children's projections, conflicts, humor and happiness to be an elder brother - in general, a thin book with simple and understandable children with illustrations that life with sibling is, however, a very multifaceted experience.

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How to prepare older to the birth of the younger: 5 cool books 19027_4
Sasha and baby

Posted by: Anna Karin-harhamen

Publisher: Myth


Gentle and rather realistic story about the appearance of a baby in the house. Sasha's girl once learns that her mother is pregnant and learned to "communicate" with a brother who has not yet been born with the help of touches. There are many interesting details in the book that will help the eldest child better imagine what his reality will be after the mother's return with the baby from the maternity hospital. For example, in one episode, it is said that the newborn sees very poorly, so it will not be able to appreciate the gift of the older sister in dignity (and in the illustration of us just a big blurred teddy bear). And at some point, Sasha comes into rage at all - why is her brother only yell and can not do anything else? But gradually - thanks to calm conversations with parents - the older sister will learn to interact with Max and playing with him in those minimalistic games that will be on the shoulder. And at the end of the book as a bonus: a handsome diploma of the senior sister or elder brother.

Mystery of Khoinki

Posted by: Lena Anderson

Translators: Olga Myeather and Mikhail Yasnov

Publisher: White Crow / Albus Corsvus


Well, a little poetry in our selection. The focus here is on the mysterious preparations of the hedgehogs to the day when her small hedgehog should appear: she erases, prepares compote, removes and refuses to go fishing with her friends, and keeps secret from all the news about his pregnancy. It is a little offensive, of course, that she is alone by training in the house, but the Father's figure in the book is generally silent. But when the baby is born, his upbring is clearly ready to do the whole village of friends, and hedgehog occasionally can just sit on the porch and look at the stars. In general, a book with cute illustrations will help to explain to the child why mom at the later period of pregnancy wants to retire and prepare the house, and not infinite socialization. The poems of the Swedish poetess Lena Anderson into Russian translated Olga Myaeotes and Mikhail Yasnov (which in itself is always a guarantee of excellent text quality).

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How to prepare older to the birth of the younger: 5 cool books 19027_6
How to grow dinosaur

Posted by: Jill Esbaum

Publisher: Editorial Willi Winki


And now a combo is a cheerful book for all small dinosaurs lovers who have a baby in the family. At the very beginning, a strong disappointment of the elder brother was shown from the fact that with a small child, they will not play and never be sure and you can never be sure why he screams. And in the book there is such an interesting line - the youngest child will take an example from the older, so that children will create a whole coalition of spindlers and refusing to remove at home together. That is, the senior responsibility is told not in the didactic form - right, they say, see, you should now behave exemplary and in general you have already become an adult. Well, of course, exactly it is impossible to refuse the main analogy of this story - a newborn, as we remember, and the truth can yell like a dinosaur.

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