Polyfem. How did the Greeks seen him?

Polyfem. How did the Greeks seen him? 19008_1
Jean-Leon Zhero, Polyfem Photo: artchive.ru

In terrible fairy tales, it is sometimes encountered by an invisible side giant, which has an incredible force. In the fourteenth book "Metamorphosis" of Ovid by the mouth of the mouth of Greg Makarea (one of the warriors of the Enai) talks about the monster with one eye - the Giant Polyfem.

Here from the stygiard edges to the EVBEY Grad

(From the sting edges - from the kingdom of the dead, from the Styx River, to the Evieski city - to the city of Kuma. The exit from the kingdom of the dead was not far from this city.)

A Trojan Eney was released and, as if he should, hovering the subject, arrived to the shore, not yet wearing the name of the cormalists.

(Non-naughty name-free name - Unnamed and uninhabited shore near the city of Kuma. Enai led to this place the desire to go down to the world of the dead to meet with the Spirit of his Father.)

Here, after a long job and great torment, Nerita Son, Makarev, and Assistant Stradentil Ulysses.

(Neurita Son - the grandson of the sea elder is spawning, Ulysses (Odyssey) - King Ithaca, Islands in the Ionian Sea.)

Polyfem. How did the Greeks seen him? 19008_2
John William Waterhouse, "Ulysses and Siren", 1891 Photo: artchive.ru Satellite of the former, he, that in the circle was ethna will leave, Ahemedida, "learned and, having missed that an unexpectedly lived, he met him, says:" You are the case or God, Ahemedid, is preserved?

(Ahemedide is a descendant of the inhabitant. Enei left macareus on Etna, fleeing from the polyfem.)

Why are you on the barbarous ship, being the Greek, are floating? Where are you sending your way? "

(The barbaric vessel - apparently, Makarev found some kind of boat and was going to float on it from this terrible place.)

And the questioned so - not in the Cosmoda already the apparel, in his form, without spikes who stitched him covered, - Ahemedid answered: "Let me see again Polyfems of Zev, from where the human blood flows, if the Enau mail I don't like the father!

(Not in the Cosmoda already the apparel, in his form, without spikes who stitched him the covers - Makarev was so long that he had to kill a few animals and sew a robe to hide from the polyfem.)

Polyfem. How did the Greeks seen him? 19008_3
Odilon Redon, "Cyclops", 1914. Photo: artchive.ru Never exhaust my, although I will fulfill everything, thanks, if I breathe, I say, the light of the sun see and the sky, all - oh, can I become unrecognized or forgetting? - He gave me; And the fact that my soul in Belujkop did not please.

This is the gratitude to Enae for left macareus alive. When the Ship, Enaia, stuck to the shore, everyone went ashore. Anhea descended into the underground kingdom, after a while he returned and shouted everyone to climb the ship. But here somewhere looked by the polyfem, everyone hurried, and Makarev was lagging behind, or it was lost. He was not enough, maybe they did not want to wait, as a result, Eney hardly escaped the attacks of the polyfem, and Makarev remained on the island and there was a very long time.

Now, even with the light of life, I will grow up, I will be soronen in the ground, and not in this, in extremes, belly.

(When I die, I will be buried in human - to put in the grave and falling down the earth. And I do not threaten the fate to finish life in the womb of the beast-giant.)

Polyfem. How did the Greeks seen him? 19008_4
Polyfem. Roman Mosaic from Villa del Casale near Piazza-Armerina (Sicily). IV century n. e. Photo: ru.wikipedia.org.

He was scared that he was left on the island, but he kept a cry at the sight of the ship from the shore from the fear to issue himself.

Ulov also screaming you almost thugged you: I saw - a huge block that he left the mountain and threw it far away in the sea. And the giant woven after the ship of the Greeks of the rock.

Next Makarey tells Olis:

After the escape of you from bitter death, I got rid of the whole across the whole across the ethno. The forest is removed by hand, the only eye is lost, he flew on the rocks, and, in the distance of the mouth of his hands stretching his arms, curses the Ahasey tribe ...

Makarev with fear was waiting for death, waited that he would be in the womb. He saw the polypham swallowed his satellites - and there were twenty-four of them:

And the loss of them, and the flesh, and bones with a whitewing brain - semi-bodies - in an insatiable hid the womb.
Polyfem. How did the Greeks seen him? 19008_5
Juseppe Dzocci, "AHEMENID AND POLYFEM", illustration for "Aneida" Virgin, 1760 Photo: Erenow.net

He survived, and he did not leave his thirst for life. Finally, this long-awaited moment came: he saw near the shore of the ship. It was the ship of the Enai - the Savior of the Multi-Taken Macareus. And it may very well be that macareus was still tormented by terrible dreams with the persecution of it with a polyfemy ...

Author - Boris Roklenko

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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