Reactive shells of Tula "Tornado-C" with a unique planning "equipment" will be able to be able to surpass the rear command-staff infrastructure NATO

Reactive shells of Tula

Published by several months earlier by a number of saming news publications Information on the signing by Russian President Vladimir Putin Declaration No. 306 "On awarding the State Prize of the Russian Federation named after Marshal Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov in 2020" Highly qualified specialists of the highest governing link of the Tula Scientific and Production Association "Alloy »For a significant contribution to the development of promising long-range 300-mm controlled reactive shells 9M544 / 549 For RSZO 9Q515" Tornado-C "once again strengthened us in the opinion that this is the military-industrial enterprise to continue to remain a key guarantor of ensuring the domination of jet artillery Divisions of RVIA Russia in hypothetical controlling "duels" with reactive artillery divisions of the ground forces of the NATO blocks of the NATO block, which have 227-mm high-precision RSW M270 MLRS / M142 Himars line with an updated ammunition.

In particular, equipped with more massive and "long-playing" charges of RDTT with a large variable pulse of thrust (about 250-60 seconds) and a large period of burning out of solid fuel charges, as well as more modern inertial navigation systems "WONVA" based on advanced high-performance BCM, promising modifications The 300-mm controlled 9M528 / 542 controlled reactive, first, first, the possibility of maintaining a high supersonic flight speed (2.5 - 3m) on a much larger segment of the marching area of ​​the trajectory, secondly, the possibility of the prolongation of the high-altitude (stratospheric) profile Flights Even at the terminal site of the trajectory (up to the moment of declining the reactive projectile in the direction of the combat field and goal) due to the involvement of more complex and verified modes of operation of the inertial-navigation block "PONVA".

The above tactical and technical advantages allow the advanced reactive projectiles of the 9M528 and 9M542 lineups not only to affect the command-staff infrastructure, as well as the mechanized enemy's mechanized enemy units in operational depth of about 150 km, but also unhindered to dismiss the highlighting radar and attaching AN / MPQ-53 anti-aircraft missile systems of a large range "Patriot PAC-2 GEM-T" due to the involvement of a ballistic or quasibalistic flight trajectory, the terminal plot of which will be a diving from the upper stratospheres of the stratosphere at an angles of more than 75 - 83 ° (outside the angular sector of the RLS review sector The reference and guidance of MPQ-53, ranging in the range from 1 to 73 degrees).

Meanwhile, it would be extremely naive to assume that the above alignment will be objective for at least 5 - 10 coming years; After all, the defense and industrial complex of the likely enemy, as is known, is not in the stage of "slipping", and is completely able to overshadow the optimistic vision of the situation of our expert communities in the program of deep modernization of high-precision MLRS / Himars family.

In particular, in the first case, we are talking about the joint US-Swedish program for the development of a promising 227-mm two-stage long-range controlled GLSDB reactive projectile ("Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb"), which is a constructive hybrid of accelerated steps (with solid fuel charge RDTT) of the family shells of the family M26A2 / M31A1 GMLRS and a small planning controlled GBU-39B SDB-i bomb.

The first fire tests of the prototype GLSDB were held in February 2015, which was for the first time provided by the American Corporation "Boeing", the Swedish "Saab" and Norwegian NOBLE ("Norwegian Battle Lab & Experimentation") comprehensive information about the behavior of the GBU-39B "SMALL Diametr Bomb »In high supersonic speeds. This was enough to continue work.

Almost 4 years later, October 30, 2018, during the demonstration of the module with 6 227-mm TPK for the GLSDB missiles at the exhibition in the Norwegian Trondheim, NOBLE representatives announced the next stage of the GLSDB fire tests, which is scheduled for autumn 2019. Apparently, the program went to the finish line directly and after the 20th year, new rockets may begin to enter the Himars and MLRS operator countries. What is known about rocket? The first stage, represented by an elongated solid fuel rocket engine of the M26 ER-MLRS reactive engine, will accelerate the GLSDB to a speed of 900-1200 m / s and "throw" in the middle layers of the stratosphere (at a height of 15-25 km). Considering the fact that the SDB bomb along with a heat-resistant coating container to protect against aerodynamic heating during acceleration will weigh no more than 130 kg (19% more easily, rather than "native" combat part of the projectile M26), the first stage can give a container with GBU- 39B noticeably the best high-speed capabilities than the usual Nurses. Next, the Overclocking block of the M26 projectile will shoot, and the bomb container will continue to move along the ballistic trajectory with a decrease in speed and a set of height.

When moving the mark in 2000-2300 km / h, the container will be disclosed, after which the "narrow bomb" will begin an independent controlled flight, and even with the possibility of changing the goal to a more priority on the trajectory (naturally, only after equipping a radio module exchange information on network radio channel " Link-16 "). The most important distinguishing quality of the GLSDB is also the possibility of flying over the goal with a further blow from a completely unpredictable air direction.

Turning the process of outputting the GBU-39B SDB-I bomb in the battlefield area (pickles to the target) is quite real. For this, it is necessary to deploy near the air defense facilities and strategically important military facilities of the complex of radio-electronic struggle "resident", the overwhelming GPS-receiver of the guidance mounted on the bomb. As for the interception of the bomb through the S-300PM-1, C-300B4, and even C-400, it will not be easy to implement, since the EPR of the planning bomb (0.015 sq. M) is less than the indicators of the reflective surface of the reflective surface with the reflective anti-aircraft missile complexes.

And even if the RLS of the highlighting and data entry of the SPC will be able to "capture" the GLSDB promising missile planning unit, it is stable to accompany it until the anti-aircraft missiles 48H6DM and 9M83M will be problematic, since the enemy has advanced aircraft container stations AN / ALQ- 249 "Next Generation Pod" capable of putting powerful imitation targets in frequency, as well as noise interference. Allocate the miniature SDB against the background of these interference "Three hundred and four hundred million" will be very difficult. Provide more confident reflection of the blow of GLSDB can S-350 "Vityaz", equipped with a more modern and noise-protected multifunctional radar with AFAR 50N6.

Without the development of Tula gunsmiths and specialists of the Corporation, "Tactical Rocket Arms" can not do. About countermeasures designed to establish parity with American MLRS / HIMARS RSSO equipped with promising GLSDB reactive projectiles

The following question arises: is there at the disposal of the specialists of the experimental branch of the Tula NPO "Alloy" the developments that can parry the potential of the above-described "Boeing" and Saab on the theaters of the XXI century theaters? Naturally, yes.

Undoubtedly, one of the most interesting options is the project of a promising superdochable 300-mm controlled reactive projectile with an integrated direct-flow air-reactive motor to update the RSZO / Tornado-C. As you know, the design features of this product were shown in a demonstration PDF document of the NGO "Alloy", published by several years earlier on the "Promkatalog.rf" portal. The possibility of regulating the intensity of supplying the powdered charge into the CAMERA CAMERA CAMERATION OF PVRS will provide a more optimal distribution of the fuel charge to all parts of the trajectory, which will allow a promising reactive projectile to achieve a range of about 250 - 300 km, and, as a result, to surpass almost 2 times according to this parameter of the American Swedish two-stage reactive GLSDB projectile with a range of about 150+ km.

In the same time, talking about the ability of this projectile to a breakthrough of modern anti-missile "umbrellas" currently does not have. After all, firstly, this shell will be a unitary product with an intense header, which will eliminate the possibility of reducing the effective reflective surface (EEO) below the indicator of 0.1 square meters. m. In the light of the equipment of deck airplanes DROLYU E-2D "Advanced Hawkeye" by advanced noise-protected AFAR-radar AN / APY-9, capable of detecting such an OBST on removing 230-250 km (as opposed to 170 km from earlier radars AN / APY-2 Airplanes E-3A / C), it is not difficult to assume that the probability of transferring these shells with the subsequent issuance of the target designation of MIM-104F PAC-3MSE intercepting missiles will be high enough. Leveling the same maneuverable capabilities of the MIM-104F anti-ups during a breakthrough of the Patriot Umbrella about the reactive shells of "Tornamen" will not be able due to the lack of management engines in the control systems of "gas-dynamic belts" of the transverse control engines necessary to perform the transfect anti-missile throws on the trajectory.

Secondly, the continuous expansion of the reactive jet (combustion products of a solid fuel charge) from the PVRS nozzle throughout the flight will hundred times will increase the infrared signature of this version of the upgraded 300-mm reactive projectile, turning them into excellent goals for detecting by optical electronic complexes with distributed Aperture of AN / AAQ-37 DAS fighters F-35A "Lightning II", functioning in the medium-wave IR range and capable of transferring the target designation by the friendly terrestrial facilities of the air defense on the radio channel of the tactical network "Link-16" (naturally, after processing in armament management systems F-35A fighters).

Comment: Technical sketch of the planning controlled air bombs 9-A-7759 "Thunder-E". As you can see, a key structural element is a modular set of planning and control on the basis of a mechanized section of sweat-shaped folding wings, which (combined with a solid fuel charge of the bottom modeling RDTT), provide a product to a multiple increase in range in comparison with the tactical multi-purpose "air-surface" rockets of the family X-38MTE / MAE.

It became the most optimal option for parrying the potential of the American-Swedish shell of GLSDB, the conceptual reverse engineering of the last forces of the Tula NGO "Alloy" and JSC "Corporation Tactical Rocket Arms" can become. In particular, we are talking about the possibility of designing a hybrid of an accelerated block of RDTT 300-mm reactive shells of type 9m544 / 9 and a reduced modification of the controlled tactical missile 9-A-7759 "Thunder-1", where the latter will be integrated into the dividing head (RGCH) promising The shell and is placed in the disclosed heat-resistant-container (with a "a la GLSDB" layout) in order to avoid the critical aerodynamic heating of the cooler of the Thunder-1 missile at the stage of the high-speed passage of the promising projectile through the dense layers of the troposphere and the stratosphere (on the ascending trajectory branch). As for the above reduction in the mass-dimensional characteristics of the Thunder-1 missile before pairing with a solid-fuel block of the projectile, it is dictated by the need to bring the diameter of the Thunder-1 case (together with the heat-resistant fairing) to the 9M542 reactive car caliber, which is 300 mm . After all, it is well known that the diameter of the "Thunder-1" rocket case is 310 mm, while it should not exceed 220 - 240 mm to accommodate in a heat-resistant deterioration.

The profile of a promising two-stage 300-mm reactive projectile and the principle of the exit of the head of the part (the rocket "Thunder-1") to the march of the trajectory will be similar to the American-Swedish gear GLSDB, but with the only difference that reset the heat resistant fairing of the second stage and the beginning Thunder-1 rocket independent flight will occur at a distance of about 120 km from the position of the launcher of the RSZO "Tornado / Tornado-C", while the independent flight of the planning GBU-39B bomb, which disconnected from the acceleration block of the GLSDB projectile begins on the removal 30 - 40 km from the MLRS RSZO position.

Thus, the cumulative range of validity (including a 120-kilometer segment to enter the march of the trajectory and the 150-kilometer segment of self-planning of the controlled Rocket "Thunder-1") of a promising managed reactive projectile for the RSSO "Tornado" will approach 270 km, noticeably ahead of achievements obtained during the test of the GMLRS projectile. The smaller radar signature of the planning blocks of "Thunder-1" (about 0.05 sq. M. m in comparison with 0.1 sq. M. M at the initial unrelated unitary projectile 9M549) will significantly complicate the aircraft operators of the AWACS system tasks in the timely detection of the approaching threat and issuing The target designation of the battle calculations of the missile defense complexes "Patriot PAC-3MSE", turning the reactive system of salvo fire "Tornado" into a unique sample of the offensive weapons of the XXI century.

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