What to do if there is no strength and whether chronic fatigue is treated


Chronic fatigue is not too lazy, but a syndrome that does not always turn out to overcome independently. It is impossible to ignore strong overwork, it may be unsafe for health.

Doctors are used to designate this state a special term "asthenia". Asthenium is chronic fatigue arising against the background of familiar mental or physical exertion and persistent after rest.

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How to understand that with you: fatigue or asthenia

Asthenia can often be confused with banal fatigue. However, it is possible to distinguish them. Conventional overwork passes after a full sleep or weekend, vacation, holidays. From asthenia, it does not save.

The fact is that the dream in chronic fatigue is disturbed, a person cannot fully recover. Hence daily lethargy, loss of concentration, deterioration of efficiency and memory. A painful response to light can also be observed, various sounds, especially sharp. All this is accompanied by weakness and increased fatigue, irritability, sometimes even head and muscle pain. Overwork proceeds much easier and will not compare with symptoms of asthenia. The latter is worn much harder.

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Photo from https://elements.envato.com/ What kind of asthenia is developing: causes and investigations

The reason for the development of asthenia - in disruption of the nutrition of the nervous tissue, as a result of which many biochemical processes are unbalanced. We can provoke asthenia as chronic or severe stress and colds, operations, injuries, rigid diets, regular nerve overvoltage, strong physical fatigue, not stopped for a long time.

Asthenium can accompany diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathologies. It can be the result of somatic diseases. In the risk area - people experiencing constant low-indense stress, employees and employees of enterprises whose work requires high concentration or emotional voltage: trains, doctors, teachers, executives.

According to the doctors estimates, women have asthenic syndrome 2-3 times more often than in men.

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Photo from https://elements.envato.com/

Lee is treated with asthenia

If you suspect your asthenia, visit the therapist. The doctor will prescribe analyzes and conduct a survey or direct to narrow specialists so that those selected suitable treatment. It is also important to be measured for the presence of the above diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular and somatic).

Alone to take tests is not recommended - a waste of money. Only by appointment of a doctor!

What to do if there is no strength and whether chronic fatigue is treated 18996_4
Photo from https://elements.envato.com/

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Therapy picks up a doctor. Usually several measures are applied in the complex: the reception of vitamins and minerals, the revision of the power and the labor and recruitment, the routine of the day, massages, swimming, LFC, work with a psychologist.

If asthenia is launched, it can turn into depression. Therefore, it is important to turn to the doctor in a timely manner.

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