"Family History Bloom": Sortie on the tail brought


On February 25, Glendin Avin, in the Russian rental of February 25, in which the actress Naomi Watts returns to his Australian roots and played by the history of the SEM Bloom-based on the real events - the two-time surfing world champion for people with disabilities.

"Mom loves the ocean. She met dad on the beach, when they were teenagers, "says the long-haired boy Noah (Griffin Muri-Johnson), the eldest son of the Bloom family. Happy, at first glance. Noah loves to take pictures and fix the surrounding reality on the film, like his Pope Cameron (Andrew Lincoln). Love for the ocean they also have a family. Opening new borders, Blooms go to Thailand, where the tragedy happens, entirely changed the life of each of them. Sam (Naomi Watts) breaks off from the observation roof and damage the spine - so that the entire bottom of her body becomes immobilized. Forever and ever.

The family is trying in every possible way to help Sam - Cameron actively helps in everyday life and the fact and it is recognized to her in love, boys - and besides any, they have two more sons, Ruben and Oli - also surround mom's care, and they are trying to live as before. But already, as I am sure of Sam, never will never work. One day, the children find Sorooks on the street and, naturally, bring it to the house. Dying, the family chooses a new pet name: Zebra, Panda, Penguin? Stop on the latter, affectionately called ping bird. But Sam is far from universal admiration for the chick, as well as from his family. "As if we were stolen by my mother," the intelligent noah really notices.

The Bloom Family History is based on the real destiny of the Championship of the World Kayaking and the two-time world champion in surfing for people with disabilities Sam Bloom. However, this film, shot by Australian Glendin Avin, once received the "Golden Palm Branch" "bag", and then actively and quite successfully working at home, more than popular (including Russian Cinema) History Sports overcoming under the slogan "Never give up." Avina is also interested in the causes of the family crisis and the fragility of the relationship between loved ones in everyday life, with surprise the difference in the difference between life principles. That he, however, argued in his TV shows "such a life" or "seven types of ambiguity", albeit, leaning on the genre component - comedy or detective, respectively.

However, Ivin continues to explore a favorite topic under a slightly different focus. Behind the blessing outwardly, the story of the Bloom family is a story about how to survive depression, and not only a person who has directly encountered it, but also the main thing - to his loved ones. The touching metaphor with a chick-found initially translates the story in the direction of the comfortable saga on how the forty on the tail brought the necessary recovery. But everything is not so easy to calibrate. Blooms are eaten by a feeling of guilt: Sam for the fact that no longer can live normally, Noah - for the fact that it was he insisted then to climb on the observation roof, the rest - because they can't help Sam and do not understand what to do next. Of course, the chick, sprawling wings, rhymes and with the state of Sam itself - first frightened, then, thanks to due support, which acquires self-confidence. Such that even the stupid sentence of Cameron ride the kayaks no longer looks stupid. But even such a simple and somewhat old-fashioned allegory does not spoil this picture. Without a fashionable family topics that does not proclaim the story of a strong woman, and quietly, calmly and even gently telling about the difficulties that everyone can face.

"Family History Bloom" at the box office from February 25.

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