7 rules for pet interior to live together


When the four-legged friend appears in the house, life becomes much rich and more fun. But it is necessary to understand that in addition to joy from communicating with a domestic pet, the owner will receive many small troubles, such as traces from claws or teeth on furniture, soiled walls or torn wallpapers. What to do? Speak with a stylish design? Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to keep clean and order in the house, and at the same time create comfortable conditions for the animal.

Practical wall and floor finish

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The walls and floors most often suffer from the activity of pets, therefore, the choice of materials to finish these surfaces should be considered particularly carefully. You need to choose them in such a way that the pet was comfortable, and the house cleaning did not turn into a hard work.

Outdoor ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware is always a win-win option. Porcelain stoneware is easily clean and looks more interesting enough.

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If you lay out the tile all the apartment there is no desire, then you can take a laminate or quartzvinyl. The latter, not only looks modern, but also convenient in terms of cleaning.

But for the walls, the most practical solution is a decorative plaster or walls under painting. As a rule, animals do not show interest in such coatings, which means they will last much longer than for example wallpaper.

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Protection for doors

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Cats just tolerate can not closed doors, and constantly scratch them, trying to open. And the dogs often often "sin." Therefore, in order to protect the door from scratches, you can do a special LAZ for the animal.

Of course this option is suitable only for small pets, but for a large dog you have to choose another solution. For example, to acquire special stoppers - mechanical limiters that hold the door open.

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If in your plans to replace the door to a new one, then it is best to choose a laminated or plastic door. Such models are much more reliable cope with claws and teeth than wooden.

Anti-vandal soft furniture

Read also signs of high-quality furniture

By adjusting your interior under the pet you need to understand that its wool will be everywhere, including the most beloved sofa. To save your interior in the original form, buy a special case. This accessory will help protect your furniture from a variety of spots, wool or tightening.

Another option is to purchase special furniture with anti-vandal coating. The upholstery of such furniture is made of dense tissues, such as FLOs or Shenill, which have increased wear resistance and do not require complex care.

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Pet Place Organization

The four-side friend must have their place. And if it is difficult to do such manipulations with a cat, since these animals are sleeping everywhere, then the dog is the opposite, it loves when she has its own personal separate space.

Making a special bed can be custom or buy in the store already ready. Moreover, the market for animals is constantly expanding their range, and now you can choose a model that not only to taste your favorite, but also perfectly fit into the interior.

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Think about

Choosing a place to feed a pet, it is necessary to take into account several important points:

The feeding zone should not interfere with the passage;

To get rid of stains and splashes, under the bowls you need to lay a rubber rug;

The feeding zone must be placed on a comfortable level.

Special boxes with built-in feeding bowls are also popular. This accessory looks very stylish and makes it possible to easily clean. In addition, other things of your friend are perfectly placed in this box, such as clothes, toys or leashes.

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Arrangement zone for games

It is known that cats love to jump and climb as much as possible. So that they can maintain their physical form, it is necessary to provide for them a special zone for games. It may be a rack with a ladder or a labyrinth with shelters.

The main thing is that such a zone will distract your purr from Lazagan in the curtains, as well as on other unsuitable subjects.

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Organization of animal hygiene

This is a rather painful question, especially for cat owners. After all, these restless animals are constantly digging in the filler, scattering it in all directions, and inevitably spread it on the paws throughout the house.

Therefore, it will be best to install a feline tray in a bathroom or in the corridor. Where no one hurts the cat to engage in their affairs. In addition, another novelty appeared - a special cabinet for a feline toilet. Her lovers is that the tray is hidden inside the cabinet and no one's eye. It is also not difficult to clean this place of hygiene, just open the end and replace the filler in the tray.

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As you can see, if you carefully treat the needs of your four-way friend, then he will repay you reciprocity, and the interior will be in perfect order.

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