Cadm - For what king Fev gods turned into a monster?

Cadm - For what king Fev gods turned into a monster? 18964_1
Cadm - For what king Fev gods turned into a monster?

King Cadm is one of the ancient Greek rulers, which are quite talking about in myths. That's just, in contrast to typical historical personalities, the image of Cadma seems extremely mysterious. He distinguished himself with glorious affairs, founded Boeotic dicks, but in the final of life was severely punished by the gods.

In ledge about it, you can see the mention of some remnants of Totemism, when rituals were associated with certain animal totems. The legend of the cadma itself begins with the story of an equally well-known event described by the ancient Greeks - the abduction of Europe. What was the fate of this king?

Kadm - Son of Tsar Sidon

There was no edge in the burning of Sidonsky Tsar Agenor, when Zeus, turning into a bull, kidnapped his beautiful daughter Europe. To the aid, he called for three sons, among whom Tsarevich Kadm. The ruler ordered the young men to go to search for sisters. Under the fear of death, it was forbidden to return to the native edges without the rescued prisoner of Zeus.

As you understand, it was not so easy to find a girl that he kidnapped and covered in the far island a powerful God himself. The older brothers quickly desperately and decided to think about their future. They founded two kingdoms, stopped in them and became legal rulers. Only the cadm continued to search.

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Rembrandt "Abduction of Europe"

However, he realized that Zeus would not allow to see her sister if he would not be his will. Having lost hope, Cadm thought about returning home, but soon threw this idea. Agenor clearly told the sons that without Europe appear in Sidone, they are not right.

That is why Kadm decided to follow the example of the brothers and to establish his city. To find out his destination, he went to Delphi to Oracle Apollo. The predictor said that the country of Cadma will indicate a wild cow. When a man sees such an animal, it is worth following him. In the place where the cow will fall on the ground, and you need to build a city.

Earth for a new country

After receiving the prophecy, Cadm came out of Delph and immediately saw a snow-white wild cow. He followed the Council of Oracle, passing for animals. Moving the Caffis Valley, the cow stopped and, whipped loudly, lay down on the grass.

It seemed that the appearance of Cadma and his associates was not confused at all. Cadm was grateful to the gods for such a chance. He immediately bowed and, kissed the earth, began to put the altar. On the altar of stones, he brought the victim Zeus and Apollon, which thanked for the opportunity to start his way.

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Cornelis Wang Harlem "Snake, devouring satellites Cadma"

His servants cadm sent for water to the nearest grove. No one could and suggest, with which it will have to face Sidonian. When they approached the river, a terrifying snake rose from dark depths. He was huge, and the head of the monsters almost concerned the tops of the trees. People did not have time to come to his senses as a snake rushed to them, destroying all the messengers of Cadma.

He, of course, waited for his comrades for a long time, but by evening I realized that they would not return. To find out the reason for the disappearance of the servants, Kadm went on their search. Just in case he sketched the lion's skin and took a spear with him. He knew that the faithful inhabitants of Sidon, who had passed many roads with him, would not quit him and would not be afraid of danger.

Confrontation with snake

Going to the river, Kadm saw the broken bodies of his compatriots. He realized that some terrible monster cruelly dealt with his people. Forgive this, the future king could not.

He swore a revenge for the murder of his servants and friends. And suddenly, a huge snake appeared before the cadm, which intended to destroy a man. The deft warrior managed to leave the first attack, and after the cadm, he tired, pierced the body of the monster. For a long time I had to fight a monster and a person, but the victory won a brave cadm.

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Handrick Golcyus "Cadm kills Snake"

Oddly enough, but the moment of victory over the snake in the description of the ancient authors I would call mystical and even gloomy. Despite the celebration of Cadma, he could not take a glance from the body of the defeated monster. And suddenly a huge oak, the main tree of the sacred grove, bowed to him. The voice belonged to unknown to whom, quietly pronounced:

"What are you standing, man? Soon and you will be a snake that people will be divided. "

Prediction comes true

The voice of the fence, and in front of the cadm suddenly there was a radiance, in which he saw a beautiful goddess Warring, wise Athena. She gave the Council to the king, how to use the teeth of the murdered snake to acquire a whole squad of warriors in an instant.

According to the advice of Athens, Kadm threw sharp fangs to the ground. Immediately, as if of seeds, they began to grow on the field of warriors-hero. They were furious and evil, in their hands sparkled weapons.

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Jacob Yordans "Cadm and Athena"

Cadm and he himself wanted to rush to the attack on unknown enemies, but he stopped one of the warriors. Immediately between the heroes, the fight was struggling. Only five managed to survive in the fight. They signed the world, becoming faithful assistants of Cadma.

Since then, cadm has become one of the most powerful Greek rulers. He founded Besotia and created the beautiful city of the hair. Alas, happiness power and wealth Cadm did not bring.

Together with his wife harmony, he buried all his children and grandchildren. On the slope of the years, the elderly couple left the cut. Cadm did not stop writing to the gods, asking for what they punish him. He did not immediately understand that then, in his youth, killed a snake in a grove dedicated to God Ares, for which he was forced to bear punishment.

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Evelin de Morgan "Cadmus and Harmony"

"It is better for me to become a snake yourself", "Kadm exclaimed in despair. The gods fulfilled his request, and in the Beshian mountains they lived their two gigantic snakes, which was once the king of cadm and the queen of harmony.

The ancient Greeks loved the stories about the transformation, and the myth of the cadma should be attributed to them. It is filled with faith in the inevitability of rock and tight sadness, but calls people not to forget that the gods stand above any mortal - even the strongest and powerful.

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