10 products from the usual diet of the Japanese to help keep our youth and health


The inhabitants of the rising sun in everything go a little bit ahead of the rest of people on the planet - for example, today they are inventing things that fiction only describe in their books. And the average life expectancy of the Japanese generally pursues the idea that they still found a source of eternal youth somewhere. In fact, the reason for their health and longevity is banal - this is the food.

We decide to find out in adme.ru than the inhabitants of Japan eat so magic, because we also want to celebrate the 100th anniversary as reckless as we did in 20.

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The main principle of the Japanese nutrition is called "Veruka". According to him, the quality of food is placed at the head of the corner, and not its number, and the emphasis is on seasonal ingredients. On the Japanese table there can also be a lot of plates, but on each of them - just a little bit and necessarily the highest sample. Most often it is rice, noodles, vegetables, soybeans, fish, green tea and fruit - 7 pillars, on which there is a traditional Japanese cuisine.

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The lion's share in the diet of the Japanese ranks fish. And most often, it is not thermally processed, it goes to the "Sashimi" dish. Compared to the cooked, in fresh fish, more polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are preserved, which clean our vessels from cholesterol plaques and normalize blood pressure.

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In Japan, there are dozens of rice dishes, this Zlak occupies an upper step in the Japanese system. And to know the world of tastes Little Japanese are also starting with rice, more precisely, with dishes for babies, which is called idiot and is rice cooked in a large amount of water. The first spoon of rice "For Mom" ​​The Japanese is eaten in 5 months. This grade satishes well and allows you to control the amount of eaten. It can even serve to unload the digestive system, for example, if you cook it with 7 special herbs, then the Nanakus-Gai dish, which is traditionally eating after the New Year holidays.

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Following the rice in popularity there is noodles. But if you look for the causes of the Japanese longevity, then it is not necessary to do it in a plate with ramen: fast cooking noodles will definitely not add health. But it can make a soba - noodles of buckwheat, which is also very common in the country of the rising sun. Here there really is a storage of vitamins and a lion's share of fiber. SOZ helps to adjust blood sugar levels, suitable for diabetics and people with cardiovascular diseases.

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When the Japanese is ill, he does not run into the pharmacy for powders from the cold. He asks for a wife to cook him a hot jojui - a rich soup with rice, which will definitely cure him. In Japan, there is a concept of comfortable meal - these are traditional dishes from childhood, which are able to heal or console the person due to nostalgic associations. Such dishes include, for example, a hot ginger drink "Seek", Misho-soup with Luca "Nigi-Misho-Yu".

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Very often foreigners traveling in Japan, discourage high prices for meat in supermarkets. Indeed, beef there is sold thinly sliced ​​slices and costs about $ 22 per kilogram. The thing is that the Japanese centuries have forbidden to eat meat. It was associated with religious reasons: in the 6th century, Buddhism and meat science came to the country, as the "destroying soul" custom, fell under the ban. 1200 years without meat did not pass in vain - now the beef in Japan refers to the discharge of delicacies and is used infrequently. The Cardiovascular system of the Japanese, undoubtedly, says Buddhists for this "Thank you."

10 products from the usual diet of the Japanese to help keep our youth and health 18961_7
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The Japanese strictly adhere to different rules, and the power mode is no exception. In addition to traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner, they have another Olyatsu - a kind of afternooner. This meal makes it possible to avoid uncontrolled hunger attacks and maintain the body with energy. But the main difference between Olyatsu from the European snack on the go - this is awareness: there is a thoughtful and not in a hurry. Some Japanese spend no less than an hour.

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Now in Japan pays great attention to Olyatsu: they explain in the media that it is better to replace food with more useful snacks. And as such, traditional fermented products are recommended, for example, the otto salary beans. Very unusual for our taste, they, nevertheless, are natural probiotics and maintain the health of the digestive system. And Natto has the very unique taste of minds, which features Asian cuisine dishes.

  • Natto - my most favorite food in the world! Smells of dies. © PMMEYOURNATTOGOHAN / Reddit

10 products from the usual diet of the Japanese to help keep our youth and health 18961_9
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The principle of traditional nutrition "Veduka", which the residents of Japan adhere to, implies the restriction of sugar. The Japanese themselves, when they come abroad, are surprised that in Europe people sometimes make children have desserts after eating, even if they do not want. In Japan, on the contrary, they are trying to either reduce the amount of sugar, or replace it with sweeteners.

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But what the Japanese do not plan to refuse under any circumstances (and do it right), so it is green tea. It is drunk in the morning, as well as during the day during and after meals. If you order tea in the restaurant and do not specify which one, the default waiter will bring green, and in 99% of cases, the drink will be free. Perhaps it is green tea rich in antioxidants that plays a key role in the health of the Japanese nation.

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